宽容主题英语个人演讲稿范例3篇 以宽容为主题的英语演讲

时间:2023-02-18 09:44:41 演讲稿

  一份演讲稿的内容除了要围绕中心观点之外,最重要的还需要看具体的场合和听众的接受水平,你的演讲稿准备得怎么样了?下面是范文网小编分享的宽容主题英语个人演讲稿范例3篇 以宽容为主题的英语演讲,以供借鉴。

宽容主题英语个人演讲稿范例3篇 以宽容为主题的英语演讲


  Form victim’s aspect, forgiving the criminals is also a way of self-treatment. If victims and victim’s family members held a grudge against the criminals, they can’t forget the hurt as result of criminals’ mistakes.

  The wound in their body may be cured but the wound in their heart, in their mind and in their soul cannot be healed. The life of victims are no longer happy or beautiful, instead, it full of pain and hatred. What’s worse, some victims answer blows with blows, resort to violence and cause another tragedy. Take Bud Welch for example, his 23-year-old daughter was killed in the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in 1995, at the beginning, he didn’t forgive the killer, he cannot deal with the pain of daughter’s death and started self-medicating with alcohol, and he even want the killer to fry. He was living in the hatred at that time. After he met with killer’s father and sister and talked to them, he came to recognized they also suffered pain. He found it in his heart he has forgiven the killer and it was also a release for himself. The dead had past, the mistakes had existed, injury had occurred, we cannot avoid it, but face it. Life goes on, we should not let hatred and pain destroy our lives. In some degree, forgiveness is not only save others but also save ourselves.


  What is tolerance? It is the consequence of humanity. We are all formed of frailty and error; let us forgive reciprocally each other’s folly. That is the first law of nature.

  When you cut your finger, the life can tolerate you, it can start the patch work immediately, and lets the new cell rejoin one by one in the wounded place; if you have eaten rotten food by mistake, the life can tolerate you, lets you put out food to protect you; if your hand burnt, it can reduce the edema, and increase blood current capacity in other to let along new foods come into the skin, organization and new cell.The tolerance is the key to obtain safety and health. If you want the health and happiness, you must tolerate everybody who hurts you. If you can’t first tolerate the others, you can’t truly tolerate yourself. Refusing to tolerate the others means arrogance and ignorance.

  No matter what we do, we are always involved with other people, whether we ant to be or not. What we do even alone is affected by other people. From the day we are born, other people touch our lives in almost everything we do.It’s not just other people who affect us. We affect them as well. Think of that shoes in sports. You may by shoes because you have sports so often. You may buy a back pack to carry clothes and other year. By buying these things, you and other sportsmen help to boost business. You help make jobs for shoes makers, salespeople, and many others. And, if you speak loudly, you may spoil someone else’s peace and quiet. If you leave litter, you will spoil the natural beauty of the area.

  It is true that we all depend on other people and that we all want to be happy and get on with one another in harmony. Never the less, things are not always what we wish them to be. We might have some friction with a member of the family or a quarrel with someone in the neighbourhood. We might get cross with classmates or teachers. We might break relations with our close or distant relatives or break ties with our close friends.


  Jackie Chan, Chinese famous male actor, who enjoys great reputation all around the world. As his great influence, people keep their eyes on his family, not long time before, Chan’s son was caught taking drugs, this incident shocked all the people, they never thought his son were making such mistakes because Chan had declaimed that he hated people to take drug and he would take spare no effort to go against drugs. Since Chan’s son was in prison, the young guy’s career was ruined, people refused to see his movies or the things about him, the company has to give up on him. It seems that Chan’s son will not be accepted by the public, in my opinion, we should give this guy a chance, everybody will make mistakes, what’s more, he has regretted for what he has done, he know his fault, that is the most important.

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