Male, 25,
Education: college
Working years: 3 to 5 years
Expected salary: 5000-8000 yuan
Work location: Shanghai - there is no limit
Objective: the software test test engineer | | | game software implementation engineer
Strong interpersonal communication skills Ability to perform Strong learning ability A strong sense of responsibility Composed inside collect
Work experience (work for four months, did the 1 job)
Shanghai jie ke ZhiCheng co., LTD
Working time: in November to March (4 months)
Job title: software testing engineer
Work content: 1. Through the demand for writing use cases, review 2. Interact through some cases for the system test and test 3. Encountered defects, defects, defect inspection 4. Run cases in QC
Education experience
Graduated in June Yangzhou vocational college accounting computerization
Self description
For some application system test, learn faster, if you have SQL or JAVA related environment, will soon come back before learning to cram, although I was not especially abundant experience, but I will work hard, I learned every experience applied to the job. During the period of school get ERP engineer qualification certificate, the computer's qualification certificate and English qualification certificate.
Personal Data
Name : CNrencai Gender :
Registered residence : Nationality :
Wedlock : Age :
Nowaday location : Stature :
Card type :
Career Will
School : Hainan Normal University
Major/Curriculum : Politics
Start working : Within 1 week
Target job position : System Testing QA Project Managaer Reliability Engeneer
Desired salary : 8000~9000Yuan/Month
Target location : Shenzhen Guangdong Dongguan Guangdong
Work experience : 5 years ,10 months Work Experiences
Profession experience :
Language level : English:CET-4
Computer skills : Excellent
Vocational skill/specialty :
1. 6 years experiences on reliability test area for products as Phone,Notebook,Netbook,Pad and All In One computer product.
2. Can draft test specifications,test criterion,training test operator and manage lab.
Self assessment :
1. Confident,Sincerity and Humorous, have good communication and coordination skills,
2. Have a wide interest, such as sporting,reading,music poetry and so on…
Time School Major/Curriculum Education/Training
-9To-7 Hainan Normal University Politics Bachelor Degree
>>Work Experience So far service for 2 companies 5 years ,10 months Work Experiences
(the company name has been screened) (-6 To Present)
Company nature : Taiwan-funded Enterprise
Company profession : Manufacturing
Position name : Reliability Engineer
Monthly salary : Secrecy
Work description :
1. Know well on Motorola mobile phone projects reliability test.
Mechanical section: vibration test, drop test, dust test, loading test, squeeze test, purse test, red dye test, cocktail test, oleic acid test, RCA test, pencil hardness testing, ball drop test, flip life test, keyboard life test,keyboard tactility test,interface life test.etc.
Environmental section: thermal shock test, temperature and humidity test, salt spray test, solar test and so on.
Electronic section: Signal testing, SQE test, EMI testing, Bluetooth test, GPS test, Parametric test, ESD test, Camera test and etc…
Material section: Use microscope and X-ray machine for the Metal and Plastic parts’ film thickness analysis and size section analysis.
2. Hold a new project kick off meeting, to discuss hidden problems with RD in the design stage. Review the problems by weekly,and require RD provide final solutions.Forecast the follow up reliability test possible issues, and keep tracing countermeasures from RD.
3. Prepare test related files,specification and test fixtures. Confirm test samples’ quantity, and test schedule.When testing ongoing,updates test status and schedule to customer regularly. Issue accured,report detailed symptoms and errors to customer in time and hold issue tracing meeting with RD until it was resolved.
4. Summarized issue happend history and final solutions for RD/PE department’s reference, avoid similar problems occurred again.
Reason for quit : Factory Transfer to North of China
(the company name has been screened) (2006-8 To 2011-5)
Company nature : Taiwan-funded Enterprise
Company profession : Computers(Hardware、Network Device)
Position name : Reliability Engineer
Monthly salary : Secrecy
Work description :
1. Acted as HP Notebook/Vodafone Pad/NEC AlO PC Project Manager,leading reliability test for new project from design stage to mass production stage.
2. Familiar with Notebook/Netbook/Pad/AIO PC reliability test principle and test process. according customers’ requirements and control plan, decides test items,test samples,and test schedule.supervises testers reliability testing whether correctly,make a judgment to the test result, review the test report and reply to customers in time.
Basic material
Name YJBYS Mr.
Sexual don't: male
Date of birth: June
Work experience: fresh graduates
Education background
Graduate years: in July
The highest degree: bachelor degree
Graduate college: zhongnan university for nationalities
The profession: the electronic information engineering
In living ground: Shanghai pudong new area
Electric words:
Job profile/job objective
Position type: full-time
Expected monthly salary: negotiable
Expected location: changzhou city in jiangsu province
Expected position: technical support department hardware or software testing
Intention summary: I am a dependable capable, positive person, are looking forward to find a job that I like to join a good team
Working experience/social practice experience
Time work position
In July - September 2010 hospital laboratory electric ion research
In July - August 2009 wuhan far Thai sports sales sales
性 别: 男
年 龄: 26岁 民 族: 汉族
工作经验: 2年以上 居 住 地: 浙江台州 温岭市
身 高: CM 户 口: 浙江台州 温岭市
自 我 评 价
求 职 意 向
希望岗位: 计算机-开发/应用-系统测试师 计算机-管理/技术支持-其它相关职位 计算机-开发/应用-其它相关职位
寻求职位: 有升职空间
希望工作地点: 浙江台州椒江区 浙江台州路桥区 浙江台州温岭市
期望工资: 4500 /月 到岗时间:随时到岗
工作目标 / 发展方向
工 作 经 历
所属行业: 互联网、电子商务(私营企业)
担任岗位: 计算机-开发/应用/网站编辑员
职位名称: 网络推广优化
离职原因: 暂未离职,有更好的工作会考虑
所属行业: 计算机业(软件、数据库、系统集成)(民营企业)
担任岗位: 计算机-开发/应用/数据库开发与管理(DBA)
职位名称: 项目经理助理
所属行业: 教育、培训、科研院所(外资企业)
担任岗位: 销售类-人员/其它相关职位
职位名称: 网络推广
职位描述:1、利用各种信息平台、网络资源和工具进行产品推广、发布及更新; 2、根据具体需求,独立策划和编写网站推广方案; 3、分析搜索引擎流量,内网流量,直接流量,有效支持运营产品发展; 4、评估、分析网站的关键词,提供关键词策略; 5、监控竞争对手的关键词,并围绕优化提出合理的网站调整建议并实施; 6、收集数据和资料,分析用户行为,完善产品功能,吸引新用户; 7、博客、微博链接、软文链接、论坛、知道、问问上的问题和回答链接及友情链接
所属行业: 互联网、电子商务(股份制企业)
担任岗位: 计算机-开发/应用/系统测试师
职位名称: 软件测试工程师
职位描述:1:编写测试用例 根据软件特性,功能,配合主管编写测试用例。 目的: 测试软件功能的完整性,捕捉软件中的不足,配合研发部门对软件进行修改。 2:根据软件进行测试。 根据测试用例对软件进行专门的测试,在实际测试中找到软件的不足,编写相关的文档,提交给相关主管。
教 育 经 历
-09--2013-07 浙江长征职业技术学院 计算机类/计算机应用 大专
个人基本简历? 简历编号:?更新日期:?姓 名:大学生个人简历国籍:中国 目前所在地:广州民族:苗族 户口所在地:湖南身材:172 cm?60 kg 婚姻状况:未婚年龄:20 岁 培训认证:?诚信徽章:? 求职意向及工作经历 人才类型:普通求职? 应聘职位:计算机类:软件设计师、软件测试工程师、数据库工程师: 工作年限:0职称:初级 求职类型:全职可到职日期:随时 月薪要求:1000--1500希望工作地区:广州 广州 广州 个人工作经历: 公司名称:衡阳世纪网络工作室起止年月:-06 ~ 2008-09 公司性质:私营企业所属行业:计算机业 担任职务:维护人员? 工作描述:衡阳世纪网络工作室主要已网络游戏为主,实习期间担任游戏服务器的构架以及日常的维护,游戏的推广。? 离职原因:? ? 教育背景 毕业院校:湖南大学分校 最高学历:大专毕业日期:-05-01 所学专业一:计算机应用所学专业二:? 受教育培训经历: 起始年月终止年月学校(机构)专 业获得证书证书编号 2008-032008-05湖南大学衡阳分校计算机应用国家计算机等级考试二级(C语言)24274302449368 ? 语言能力 外语:英语 一般?? 国语水平:一般粤语水平:一般 ? 工作能力及其他专长 ?对软件开发方面特别感兴趣,熟悉软件开发的各种流程,能独立编写一些小软件开发文档,算法以及原代码的编写。在校期间开发了基于SQL 为数据库后台,VB做前台的学生管理系统。 ? 详细个人自传 ?本人性格开朗,有责任心与上进心,能以自己最大的努力完成工作;在校期间表现优秀,积极参加学校活动,深得老师和同学的赞扬。具备良好的人品,乐于与人沟通,生活在群体之中,能够与人进行客观直接的'沟通,具有较强的团队管理能力和与人合作的精神,能够积极互动努力达成团队的目标;善于学习,勤奋务实,刻苦钻研,具备广泛的兴趣和很丰富的知识,适应能力强,能够在很段时间内融入一个新的领域,适应他并且把他做好。 ? 个人联系方式 通讯地址:广州市黄埔区 联系电话:159XXXXXXXXXX家庭电话:? 手 机:?QQ号码:? 电子邮件:?个人主页:?
Basic material
Name Mr.
Sexual don't: male
Date of birth: June
Work experience: fresh graduates
Education background
Graduate years: in July 20xx
The highest degree: bachelor degree
Graduate college: zhongnan university for nationalities
The profession: the electronic information engineering
In living ground: Shanghai pudong new area
Electric words:
Job profile/job objective
Position type: full-time
Expected monthly salary: negotiable
Expected location: changzhou city in jiangsu province
Expected position: technical support department hardware or software testing
Intention summary: I am a dependable capable, positive person, are looking forward to find a job that I like to join a good team
Working experience/social practice experience
Time work position
In July 20xx - September 20xx hospital laboratory electric ion research
In July 20xx - August 20xx wuhan far Thai sports sales sales
Name :YJBYS YJBYSGender :
Registered residence : Nationality :
Wedlock : Age :
Nowaday location : Stature :
Card type :
Career Will
School : Hainan Normal University
Major/Curriculum : Politics
Start working : Within 1 week
Target job position : System Testing QA Project Managaer Reliability Engeneer
Desired salary : 8000~9000Yuan/Month
Target location : Shenzhen Guangdong Dongguan Guangdong
Work experience : 5 years ,10 months Work Experiences
Profession experience :
Language level : English:CET-4
Computer skills : Excellent
Vocational skill/specialty : 1. 6 years experiences on reliability test area for products as Phone,Notebook,Netbook,Pad and All In One computer product.
2. Can draft test specifications,test criterion,training test operator and manage lab.
Self assessment : 1. Confident,Sincerity and Humorous, have good communication and coordination skills,
2. Have a wide interest, such as sporting,reading,music poetry and so on…
Time School Major/Curriculum Education/Training
2002-9To-7 Hainan Normal University Politics Bachelor Degree
>>Work Experience So far service for 2 companies 5 years ,10 months Work Experiences
(the company name has been screened) (2011-6 To Present)
Company nature : Taiwan-funded Enterprise
Company profession : Manufacturing
Position name : Reliability Engineer
Monthly salary : Secrecy
Work description : 1. Know well on Motorola mobile phone projects reliability test.
Mechanical section: vibration test, drop test, dust test, loading test, squeeze test, purse test, red dye test, cocktail test, oleic acid test, RCA test, pencil hardness testing, ball drop test, flip life test, keyboard life test,keyboard tactility test,interface life test.etc.
Environmental section: thermal shock test, temperature and humidity test, salt spray test, solar test and so on.
Electronic section: Signal testing, SQE test, EMI testing, Bluetooth test, GPS test, Parametric test, ESD test, Camera test and etc…
Material section: Use microscope and X-ray machine for the Metal and Plastic parts’ film thickness analysis and size section analysis.
2. Hold a new project kick off meeting, to discuss hidden problems with RD in the design stage. Review the problems by weekly,and require RD provide final solutions.Forecast the follow up reliability test possible issues, and keep tracing countermeasures from RD.
3. Prepare test related files,specification and test fixtures. Confirm test samples’ quantity, and test schedule.When testing ongoing,updates test status and schedule to customer regularly. Issue accured,report detailed symptoms and errors to customer in time and hold issue tracing meeting with RD until it was resolved.
4. Summarized issue happend history and final solutions for RD/PE department’s reference, avoid similar problems occurred again.
Reason for quit : Factory Transfer to North of China
(the company name has been screened) (2006-8 To 2011-5)
Company nature : Taiwan-funded Enterprise
Company profession : Computers(Hardware、Network Device)
Position name : Reliability Engineer
Monthly salary : Secrecy
Work description : 1. Acted as HP Notebook/Vodafone Pad/NEC AlO PC Project Manager,leading reliability test for new project from design stage to mass production stage.
2. Familiar with Notebook/Netbook/Pad/AIO PC reliability test principle and test process. according customers’ requirements and control plan, decides test items,test samples,and test schedule.supervises testers reliability testing whether correctly,make a judgment to the test result, review the test report and reply to customers in time.
Personal information
Gender: male
Age: 26 national: han
Working experience: above 2 years to live: taizhou wenling city in zhejiang province
Height: CM account: taizhou wenling city in zhejiang province
Self assessment
A friendly, strong ability to learn.
Hope jobs: computers - - system development/application testers - management/technical support to other related position computer - - related development/application
Seek position: there is a promotion space
Hope work location: zhejiang taizhou jiaojiang taizhou jiang days in zhejiang province taizhou wenling city in zhejiang province
Expected salary: 4500 / month to post time: arrive at any time
Work target/direction
Have a promotion space, welfare, and development prospects.
Work experience
Before and after the 2014-10--05: zhejiang science and technology co., LTD
Industry: the Internet, e-commerce (private companies)
As a post: computer - development/application/website editor
Job title: network optimization
Job description: 1, brand promotion, according to the network resources for corporate brand promotion, make the company website brand words appear in the first few pages search engine (such as front shop, back factory, technology) before and after.
2, according to the website data exchange friend chain, making trans, on-the-job period through methods such as effective exchange friend chain company trans number from more than 100 up to now, more than 1500; But also greatly improve the quality of the company website friend chain, basic update weights in 5-7, has accumulated a lot of webmaster resources (advertising, soft exchange, etc.)
3, analysis, mining site keywords, keyword strategy;
4, according to site keywords ranking made outside the chain
5, maintenance company post bar, BBS, blog, etc., is responsible for paying promotion etc.
6, negative news, maintain positive news.
Leaving reason: no departure, have better jobs to consider
The 2013-07-2013-08: zhejiang become good technology co., LTD
By sector: the computer industry, software, database, system integration) (private companies)
As a post: computer - development/application/database development and management (DBA)
Job title: project manager assistant
Job description: as a “good company image project and bridge project manager of land and resources bureau assistant.
1: installation and maintenance of office computer software.
2: coaching and training for new employees.
3: the arrangement of the work content and the division of labor.
4: working content of the report and summary.
5: and the adjustment of all departments of the land and resources bureau.
6: employees monthly work summary.
In office, my main job is to help the manager and the usual work and work summary report to the manager. This time, I learned how to better to assign work, balance coordination, have a better communication with colleagues, in addition, also need to report the bureau leadership work at ordinary times, constantly improve the level and exercise my talk and courage.
2013-05-2013-07: theo world international English
Industry: education, training, scientific research institutes (foreign investment enterprises)
As a position: sales staff/other related jobs
Job title: network promotion
Job description: 1, use a variety of information platform, network resources and tools for product promotion, publish and update; 2, according to the specific requirements, independent planning and writing website promotion plan; 3, analysis, search engine traffic, network traffic, direct traffic, effective support operating product development; 4, assessment, analysis of site keywords, keyword strategy; 5, monitor competitors keywords, and put forward reasonable adjustment Suggestions on optimization and implementation; 6, collecting data and materials, analyze the user behavior, improve product features, to attract new users; 7, blog, microblog, soft text links, BBS, know, ask questions and answers on links and links
2012-12-2013-03: hangzhou Skye network company
Industry: the Internet, e-commerce (joint stock company)
As jobs: computer - development/application/system testing
Job title: software testing engineer
Job description: 1: write a test case based on the characteristics of software functions, cooperate with supervisor to write a test case. Objective: to test the integrity of the software function, capture the deficiency of software, cooperate with r&d department to modify the software. 2: according to the software testing. According to the test cases to test the special software, and the lack of found in the actual test software, write the related documents, submitted to the relevant competent.
Education experience
Long March 2010-09-2010-07, zhejiang vocational and technical college computer class/junior college in computer application
Basic Info
Date of Birth: XXXX Native Place: XXXX Yrs.of Experience: 2 year Email:
Mobile Phone:
Career Objective Desired Position: Test Engineer Desired Location: Shanghai I can start:
Within 1 month
Professional Skills
1.Proficient in testing methods and theory, have the ability to design test plan and test case according to user requirements specification and related documents;
2.Excellent command of the whole process of testing work and testing management tools;
3.Proficient in a variety of automated testing tools (QT, Python, Selenium), familiar with windows and Linux operating system;
4.Master Wireshark network packet analysis tool, SecureCRT terminal emulation program, office series(Excel、Word、PowerPoint、Visio);
5.Acquainted with the products of security industry. Self Assessment
Nearly two years of software testing experience, have rich experience on test, proficient in the testing process and method. Able to think logically, good at summing up and learning, full of patience, responsible, and being able to work under pressure, have good coordination ability and team-work spirit.
Work Experience
/7--/4: HANGZHOU HIKVISION DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD(5000-10000 people) Industry:
Testing Dep Testing Engineer Duty:
1. Design test plan and test case, write test cases;
2. Set up testing environment, test software, arrange testing system;
3. Participate in test work, including function testing, performance testing, stress testing and reliability testing; 4. Compile test report and evaluate the quality of software; 5. Summarize experience, improve test process and effect; 6. Improve efficiency through automated test.
Project Experience 2014/1 -- 2014/4 :
Project Description: DS-5216HF-A is an integrated product of computer motherboard and Hikvision audio and video card (DS-4316HFV-E). It obviates the card slot, and the DM8147 chip is directly embedded motherboard, so as to provide users with a more stable and reliable hardware environment. At the same time, with the help of IA platform, provides a flexible software development environment for the user. The product integrates the flexibility of the board and the stability of traditional embedded DVR, provide more choices for the user, enrich monitoring product line. This product can be developed for the DVR, DVR or NVR.
Responsibility: 1.Responsible for the communication and arrangements of the test work;
2.Design test plan and test case according to user requirements specification and related documents;
3.Build environment of function test and pressure test;
4.Test network performance of the equipment by using Iometer, test the reliability and stability of CPU, disk, memory, graphics card by using BurnInTest; 5.Feedback and follow up bugs, write test report.
/6 -- 2014/1 : Customized Network Keyboard for UTC---TVK800
Project Description:
TVK800 is a custom Network Keyboard for UTC, with 7 Inch Touch screen, four-dimensional joystick control, support network access to DVR, DVS, NVR, network camera, network video platform, ball, decoder, IVMS series software, support analog matrix and Simulation of ball, powerful, operation quick and simple, and can be widely used in finance, public security, military, telecommunications, transportation, electric power, education, water conservancy and other fields.
1.Lead the team to complete the project and follow up the progress;
2.Design test plan and test case according to user requirements specification and related documents;
3.Improve the efficiency by using QTP;
4.Feedback and follow up bugs, write test report;
5.Before the launch of the project, assessment of risk according to the remaining bugs.
Education /9 -- 2012/7
Northwest University Communication Engineering Bachelor
Certifications /10 2010/9 /10 2010/10 /9
National Computer Rank Examination Level 3
The Second Prize in the 2010 China undergraduate MCM The Third Prize Scholarship of 08-09 academic year The Third Prize Scholarship of 09-10 academic year The Second Prize Scholarship of 10-11academic year
Language Skills Grade of English:
CET 6 With good oral and written ability
Personal Data
Name : CNrencai Gender :
Registered residence : Nationality :
Wedlock : Age :
Nowaday location : Stature :
Card type :
Career Will
School : Hainan Normal University
Major/Curriculum : Politics
Start working : Within 1 week
Target job position : System Testing QA Project Managaer Reliability Engeneer
Desired salary : 8000~9000Yuan/Month
Target location : Shenzhen Guangdong Dongguan Guangdong
Work experience : 5 years ,10 months Work Experiences
Profession experience :
Language level : English:CET-4
Computer skills : Excellent
Vocational skill/specialty :
1. 6 years experiences on reliability test area for products as Phone,Notebook,Netbook,Pad and All In One computer product.
2. Can draft test specifications,test criterion,training test operator and manage lab.
Self assessment :
1. Confident,Sincerity and Humorous, have good communication and coordination skills,
2. Have a wide interest, such as sporting,reading,music poetry and so on…
Time School Major/Curriculum Education/Training
20xx-9To20xx-7 Hainan Normal University Politics Bachelor Degree
>>Work Experience So far service for 2 companies 5 years ,10 months Work Experiences
(the company name has been screened) (20xx-6 To Present)
Company nature : Taiwan-funded Enterprise
Company profession : Manufacturing
Position name : Reliability Engineer
Monthly salary : Secrecy
Work description :
1. Know well on Motorola mobile phone projects reliability test.
Mechanical section: vibration test, drop test, dust test, loading test, squeeze test, purse test, red dye test, cocktail test, oleic acid test, RCA test, pencil hardness testing, ball drop test, flip life test, keyboard life test,keyboard tactility test,interface life test.etc.
Environmental section: thermal shock test, temperature and humidity test, salt spray test, solar test and so on.
Electronic section: Signal testing, SQE test, EMI testing, Bluetooth test, GPS test, Parametric test, ESD test, Camera test and etc…
Material section: Use microscope and X-ray machine for the Metal and Plastic parts’ film thickness analysis and size section analysis.
2. Hold a new project kick off meeting, to discuss hidden problems with RD in the design stage. Review the problems by weekly,and require RD provide final solutions.Forecast the follow up reliability test possible issues, and keep tracing countermeasures from RD.
3. Prepare test related files,specification and test fixtures. Confirm test samples’ quantity, and test schedule.When testing ongoing,updates test status and schedule to customer regularly. Issue accured,report detailed symptoms and errors to customer in time and hold issue tracing meeting with RD until it was resolved.
4. Summarized issue happend history and final solutions for RD/PE department’s reference, avoid similar problems occurred again.
Reason for quit : Factory Transfer to North of China
(the company name has been screened) (20xx-8 To 20xx-5)
Company nature : Taiwan-funded Enterprise
Company profession : Computers(Hardware、Network Device)
Position name : Reliability Engineer
Monthly salary : Secrecy
Work description :
1. Acted as HP Notebook/Vodafone Pad/NEC AlO PC Project Manager,leading reliability test for new project from design stage to mass production stage.
2. Familiar with Notebook/Netbook/Pad/AIO PC reliability test principle and test process. according customers’ requirements and control plan, decides test items,test samples,and test schedule.supervises testers reliability testing whether correctly,make a judgment to the test result, review the test report and reply to customers in time.
Name:?XXX Gender: Male
Contact: 132 ******** E-mail: chunjing521521@
Job Target: Software Test Engineer
Project Experience:
Project Name: CounterV1.0
Development of language: VC ++
Project Description: CounterV1.0 is a .C, .CPP source code line statistical tools can be achieved on .C, .CPP source file total number of lines of code, blank lines, comment lines and the number of non-blank, non-comment line several statistical functions
1, to complete the requirements specifications, outline design specification and detailed design specification review;
2, the development of complete system testing test cases, test plans, writing programs;
3, using the TCL, CPPUnit build unit test environment for unit test execution, using the TCL set up collection
Into a test environment for integration testing performed manually perform system testing;
4, submit bug reports, test and test reports daily. .
Project Name: air ticketing system Flight 4.0
Project Description: Flight is a plane ticket booking system, is based on the windows of the B / S, the use of SQL server
Database, with reservations, modify the order, check, refund, flight information management functions
Use tools: QTP functional testing tools.
1, according to the functional requirements specification to write test cases
2, record automated test scripts
3, the use of data-driven, adding checkpoints and other ways to enhance test automation scripts
4, enhanced debugging automated test scripts, script error correction potential
5, playback script, find out the wrong test system, determined after submitting bug reports
Work experience:
Dalian Netcom
Test method:
1. Master test methods and performance of functional testing, performance testing, stress testing, load testing and other important black box;
2. proficiency test commonly used method uses a system of writing, effective design test cases;
Test procedure:
1. The master unit testing, integration testing, system testing, regression testing, acceptance testing at all stages of the main tasks, understanding V model, the waterfall model;
2. familiar with the SRS, HLD, LLD document review;
3. The method of writing and writing points to master the software test plans, test plan, test cases, test reports, test daily, bug reports and other documents;
Testing tools:
1. To use LoadRuner, QTP, Rational Robot automated testing tools such as functional testing, performance testing;
2. be able to use the test management tool QC, configuration management tools VSS to defect, such as a version integrated management;
Test Management:
1. Understand the software requirements management, defect tracking, configuration management and peer review processes and methods;
Other skills:
1. Operating system: Familiar Windows operating system, familiar with redhat linux system commands, vi, shell
Familiar dns linux environment, dhcp, samba, http, vsftp, nfs, sendmail server structures, etc.,
Familiar simple iptables, the kernel simply cutting.
2. Database: Familiar with SQL Server 2000 mysql.
3. Network Knowledge: Familiarity with basic networking knowledge and understanding of the OSI model and TCP / IP protocol;
4. The development of language: the language familiar to c.
5. Be able to set up a test environment in the windows, linux system.
Financial and Economic Management College, Harbin computer applications specialist
Vocational training:
51Testing software testing network software test engineer training
Name : Gender :
Registered residence : Nationality :
Wedlock : Age :
Nowaday location : Stature :
Card type :
Career Will
School : Hainan Normal University
Major/Curriculum : Politics
Start working : Within 1 week
Target job position : System Testing QA Project Managaer Reliability Engeneer
Desired salary : 8000~9000Yuan/Month
Target location : Shenzhen Guangdong Dongguan Guangdong
Work experience : 5 years ,10 months Work Experiences
Profession experience :
Language level : English:CET-4
Computer skills : Excellent
Vocational skill/specialty : 1. 6 years experiences on reliability test area for products as Phone,Notebook,Netbook,Pad and All In One computer product.
2. Can draft test specifications,test criterion,training test operator and manage lab.
Self assessment : 1. Confident,Sincerity and Humorous, have good communication and coordination skills,
2. Have a wide interest, such as sporting,reading,music poetry and so on…
Time School Major/Curriculum Education/Training
20xx-9To20xx-7 Hainan Normal University Politics Bachelor Degree
>>Work Experience So far service for 2 companies 5 years ,10 months Work Experiences
(the company name has been screened) (20xx-6 To Present)
Company nature : Taiwan-funded Enterprise
Company profession : Manufacturing
Position name : Reliability Engineer
Monthly salary : Secrecy
Work description : 1. Know well on Motorola mobile phone projects reliability test.
Mechanical section: vibration test, drop test, dust test, loading test, squeeze test, purse test, red dye test, cocktail test, oleic acid test, RCA test, pencil hardness testing, ball drop test, flip life test, keyboard life test,keyboard tactility test,interface life test.etc.
Environmental section: thermal shock test, temperature and humidity test, salt spray test, solar test and so on.
Electronic section: Signal testing, SQE test, EMI testing, Bluetooth test, GPS test, Parametric test, ESD test, Camera test and etc…
Material section: Use microscope and X-ray machine for the Metal and Plastic parts’ film thickness analysis and size section analysis.
2. Hold a new project kick off meeting, to discuss hidden problems with RD in the design stage. Review the problems by weekly,and require RD provide final solutions.Forecast the follow up reliability test possible issues, and keep tracing countermeasures from RD.
3. Prepare test related files,specification and test fixtures. Confirm test samples’ quantity, and test schedule.When testing ongoing,updates test status and schedule to customer regularly. Issue accured,report detailed symptoms and errors to customer in time and hold issue tracing meeting with RD until it was resolved.
4. Summarized issue happend history and final solutions for RD/PE department’s reference, avoid similar problems occurred again.
Reason for quit : Factory Transfer to North of China
(the company name has been screened) (20xx-8 To 20xx-5)
Company nature : Taiwan-funded Enterprise
Company profession : Computers(Hardware、Network Device)
Position name : Reliability Engineer
Monthly salary : Secrecy
Work description : 1. Acted as HP Notebook/Vodafone Pad/NEC AlO PC Project Manager,leading reliability test for new project from design stage to mass production stage.
2. Familiar with Notebook/Netbook/Pad/AIO PC reliability test principle and test process. according customers’ requirements and control plan, decides test items,test samples,and test schedule.supervises testers reliability testing whether correctly,make a judgment to the test result, review the test report and reply to customers in time.