1. Contrary to the antiquated idea that the eighteenth century was a ______ island of elegant assurance, evidence reveals that life for most people was filled with uncertainty and insecurity.
A clannish
B declining
C tranquil
D recognized
E sprawling
2. While not completely nonplussed by the usually caustic responses from members of the audience, the speaker was nonetheless visibly ______ by their lively criticism.
A humiliated
B discomfited
C deluded
D disgraced
E tantalized
3. Although it is unusual to denounce museum-goers for not painting, it is quite common, even for those, who are unenthusiastic about sports, to criticize (i) ______ for athletic (ii) ______.
Blank (i)
A athletes
B spectators
C scholars
Blank (ii)
D snobbery
E inactivity
F ignorance
4. Social scientists have established fairly clear-cut (i) ______ that describe the appropriate behavior of children and adults, but there seems to be (ii) ______ about what constitutes appropriate behavior for adolescents.
Blank (i)
A estimates
B functions
C norms
Blank (ii)
D confusion
E rigidity
F misapprehensions
5. Despite an agreement between labor and management to keep the print and electronic media (i) ______ developments, the details of the negotiations were (ii) ______ all but a few journalists from the major metropolitan newspapers.
Blank (i)
A abreast of
B speculation about
C ignorant of
Blank (ii)
D withheld from
E suppressed by
F undisclosed to
6. The reduction of noise has been (i) ______ in terms of (ii) ______ its sources, but the alternative of canceling noise out by adding sound with the opposite wave pattern may be more useful in practice.
Blank (i)
A explained
B conceived
C approached
Blank (ii)
D tracking
E eliminating
F diffusing
For each of Questions 7 to 10, select the two answer choices that, when used to complete the sentence, fit the meaning of the sentence as a whole and produce completed sentences that are alike in meaning.
7. The development of containers, possibly made from bark or the skins of animals, although this is a matter of ______, allowed the extensive sharing of forage foods in prehistoric human societies.
A record
B speculation
C degree
D importance
E conjecture
F preeminence
8. Even though the folktales Partout collected and retold were not solely French in origin, his versions of them were so decidedly French in style that later anthologizes of French folktales have never ______ them.
A excluded
B admired
C grasped
D promoted
E comprehended
F omitted
9. Far from viewing Jefferson as a skeptical but enlightened intellectual, historians of the 1960's portrayed him as ______ thinker, eager to fill the young with his political orthodoxy while censoring ideas he did not like.
A an adventurous
B a doctrinaire
C a prudent
D a judicious
E a cynical
F a dictatorial
10. We realized that John was still young and impressionable, but were nevertheless surprised at his ______.
A na?veté
B obstinateness
C decisiveness
D ingeniousness
E resolve
F simplemindedness
6. Unlike philosophers who constructed theoretically ideal states, she built a theory based on (i) ______ ; thus, although her constructs may have been inelegant, they were (ii) ______ sound.
Blank (i)
A intuition
B conjecture
C experience
Blank (ii)
D intellectually
E empirically
F aesthetically
For each of Questions 7 to 10, select the two answer choices that, when used to complete the sentence, fit the meaning of the sentence as a whole and produce completed sentences that are alike in meaning.
7. Although frequent air travelers remain unconvinced, researchers have found that, paradoxically, the temporal disorientation inherent in jet lag also may yield some mental health ______.
A benefits
B hazards
C disorders
D advantages
E deficiencies
F standards
8. Although any destruction of vitamins caused by food irradiation could be ______ the use of diet supplements, there may be no protection from carcinogens that some fear might be introduced into foods by the process.
A counterbalanced by
B attribute to
C imputed to
D augmented with
E stimulated by
F offset through
9. The corporation expects only ______ increases in sales next year despite a yearlong effort to revive its retailing business.
A dynamic
B predictable
C expanding
D modest
E slight
F volatile
10. Although the discovery of antibiotics led to great advances in clinical practice, it did not represent a ______ bacterial illness, for there are some bacteria that cannot be effectively treated with antibiotics.
A panacea for
B neglect of
C cure-all for
D breakthrough in
E resurgence of
F progress of
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