下面是范文网小编整理的英语信写作的十个技巧6篇 写英语写信作文的技巧和方法,供大家阅读。
一、简称。其形式有二:其一,以“数词 + 共词”样式,把比较复杂的、往往是排比的若干词句的共同成份抽取出来。这种简称的好处是不仅节省字数,而且可使文章表达得简洁明快,受众易记易操作。“数词 + 共词”常常出现在一些政策性短语里,比如,“三讲”“三个代表”“两个务必”等。其二,缩节固定短语或专用词组,保留关键词素,比如,把北京大学简称为“北大”,把政治协商委员会简称为“政协”。需要注意的是,在此情况下出现的简称,一定是社会普遍认可的或经“该机关的上级机关规定”的规范化简称,切忌随意精简。
三、庄典。即庄重、典雅。这是公文语言使用中的一个特殊现象。从原则上讲,公文语言要求简练、准确、朴素,尽量少用修饰语和修辞方法来表现主题。要“直言其事”,不要遮遮掩掩。从本质上说,公文的这一语言特色,是公文必须坚持逻辑思维而非形象思维的结果。因为公文的终极目的是为了“办事”和“办成事”,而非让受众产生审美愉悦。但在有些场合,合理地使用庄典,会大大增强文章的表达效果。如: 年 10月 1 日,胡锦涛检阅受阅部队后,在天安门城楼上发表了重要讲话,开头这样写道:“全国同胞们,同志们,朋友们!今天我们隆重聚会,庆祝中华人民共和国成立 60 周年,在这个喜庆而又庄严的时刻,全国各族人民对于伟大祖国的发展进步感到无比自豪,对实现中华民族伟大复兴的光明前景充满信心。在这里,我代表党中央、全国人大、国务院、全国政协和中央军委,向一切为民族团结、国家富强和人民幸福建立了不朽功勋的革命先辈和烈士们表示深切的怀念,向全国各族人民和海内外爱国同胞致以热烈的祝贺,向关心和支持中国发展的各国朋友表示衷心的感谢!”在这里,庄典作为一种方法得到了巧妙的运用,即突出了新中国成立60 年大庆的节日气氛,拉近了领导人与听众的距离,使得讲话从开篇起就庄典而富有文采。庄典作为一种应用文的表现手法,在开(闭)幕词、专题集会演讲、主题报告、即兴讲话中出现的机会比较多。
四、用数。运用准确的数据来说明情况或分析问题或证明观点,是公文常用的写法之一。“数字可以把某些用数量来实现特征和本质的事物说得更精确、更简练。”比如,“ 年是极不平凡的一年。我国经济社会发展经受住了历史罕见的重大挑战和考验。在中国共产党领导下,全国各族人民迎难而上,奋力拼搏,战胜各种艰难险阻,改革开放和社会主义现代化建设取得新的重大成就。国民经济继续保持平稳较快增长。国内生产总值超过 30 万亿元,比上年增长 9%;物价总水平涨幅得到控制 ; 财 政 收 入 6.13 万 亿 元 , 增 长19.5%;粮食 连 续 五 年 增 产,总 产 量52 850 万吨,创历史最高水平。改革开放深入推进。财税、金融、价格、行政管理等重点领域和关键环节的改革取得新突破。进出口贸易总额 2.56 万亿美元,增长 17.8%。实际利用外商直接投资 924 亿美元。社会事业加快发展,人民生活进一步改善。城镇新增就业1 113 万人;城镇居民人均可支配收入15 781 元,农村居民人均纯收入 4 761元,实际增长 8.4%和 8%。”用数可以增强文章的说服力和逻辑性,故常被广泛使用于公文的写作过程中。需要提醒的是:1.用科学的方法获取数据;2.坚决杜绝假数据进入文稿;3.注意数字前的修饰语选择,尤其是要能够正确区分和使用诸如“增加了”“增加到”“降低到”等词汇。
七、对比。正与反、新与旧、中与外、今与昔,放在一起,进行比较,我们不仅会发现孰优孰劣,我们更会明白该选取什么,摒弃什么,歌颂什么,鞭挞什么。因此,恰当地运用对比,除了直观上增强文稿的生命力外,更重要的是告诉公文的受众“怎么做”和引导他们“做什么”,这也是公文作用的最终体现。例:“我们党之所以能够从成立时仅有 50多名党员、处在秘密状态的党,发展成为拥有 350 多万个基层党组织、7 000多万名党员,在 13 亿人口的大国长期执政的大党,历经磨难而巍然屹立,千锤百炼而更加坚强,一个重要原因,就在于我们党始终坚持党要管党、从严治党,始终注重加强自身建设。”公文写作使用对比需注意:不论什么情况下,对比的两面都应是客观存在的、准确的,不要为了突出一方而虚构另一方。
八、下定义。也就是下结论,给判断,出答案。“XX是 XX”、“XX 非 XX”的表达形式,可以解决“是”与“否”的问题,也经常出现在公文写作的过程中。例:“本法所称物,包括不动产和动产。法律规定权利作为物权客体的,依照其规定。本法所称物权,是指权利人依法对特定的物享有直接支配和排他的权利,包括所有权、用益物权和担保物权。”在具体写作过程中,使用下定义的形式很简单,重点、难点则在于因何而得出结论。使用下定义的方法来说明、论证问题时,应慎之又慎,切忌随意、无据和盲目。
九、演绎和归纳。通俗地说,就是从特殊到一般和从一般到特殊。表现在公文写作中,演绎一般是“先给政策”,再具体“细化政策”;或者先下结论,再以客观的论据论证结论。例:“促进教育公平取得新进展。全面实行城乡免费义务教育,对所有农村义务教育阶段学生免费提供教科书。提高中西部地区校舍维修标准,国家财政安排 32.5 亿元帮助解决北方农村中小学取暖问题。职业教育加快发展。国家助学制度进一步完善,中央财政投入 223 亿元,地方财政也加大投入,资助学生超过 2 000 万人;向中等职业学校中来自城市经济困难家庭和农村的学生提供助学金,每人每年 1 500 元,惠及 90%的在校生。”与之相反的是归纳,归纳是从一般到特殊、从具体到抽象的过程。作为常用的写作手法,归纳在现今公文运行中的使用概率是极高的,即使在古代,也被广泛使用于应用文的写作中。比如司马迁在《报任安书》中有一段极为著名的话:“盖文王拘而演《周易》;仲尼厄而作《春秋》;屈原放逐乃赋《离骚》;左丘失明,厥有《国语》,孙子膑脚,兵法修列;不韦迁蜀,世传《吕览》;韩非囚秦,《说难》《孤愤》;诗三百篇,大抵圣贤发愤之所为也。此人皆有所郁结,不得通其道,故述往事思来者也。”这也是经典的归纳法的例文。
十、句逗。句逗,不是句读。句读者,标点短句也。句逗,是在公文的写作和修改过程中,在不影响文稿中心意思表达的情况下,巧妙灵活地切换句号和逗号,能使文稿抑扬顿挫,有起伏和曲线之美,大大增强文章的表达效果。例:“我年轻时曾长期工作在中国的西北地区。在那浩瀚的沙漠中,生长着一种稀有的树种,叫胡杨。它扎根地下 50 多米,抗干旱、斗风沙、耐盐碱,生命力极其顽强。它‘生而一千年不死,死而一千年不倒,倒而一千年不朽’,世人称为英雄树。我非常喜欢胡杨,它是中华民族坚韧不拔精神的象征。”这段话里共有五个句号。若以逗号来替代句号,并不影响文稿中心意思的表达,但表达效果却远逊于前者。
10 Tips for Recommenders
1.Review a copy of the applicant''s personal statement or application essays so that your letter of recommendation can dovetail with--not conflict with or duplicate--the rest of the application.
2.Ask the applicant to supply you with additional information like a resume.
3.Describe your qualifications for comparing the applicant to other applicants.
I have been teaching for twenty years and have advised approximately 450 students on independent research projects? over the last five years.
I have personally supervised ten interns every summer for the last five years plus worked with over two hundred college graduates in my capacity as trainer for Big Bank Corp.
4.Discuss how well you know the applicant.
I was able to get to know Mr. Doe because he made it a point to attend two of my sections every week when only one was required.
Ms. Smith reported directly to me for two years prior to her well-deserved promotion to the position of Assistant Campaign Manager
5.Choose two to three qualities that you observed in the applicant.
Jane has a rare blend of top writing and interpersonal skills.
The combination of tenacity, analytical abilities, and good communications skills found in Mr. Doe is truly unique.
6.In discussing those qualities, support your statements with specific instances in which he or she demonstrated those attributes. Be as concrete and detailed as possible
He is the only student I ever had who came to all my office hours as part of a relentless, and ultimately successful, drive to master political theory. He was one of just ten percent in the class to receive an A.
Because of Jane''s writing skills, I didn''t hesitate to ask her to write a report which was used by our PAC as the basis for a major policy statement. Congressman X eventually used the statement, based on Jane''s sophisticated 20-page analysis of Middle East politics, in lobbying for increased funding.
7.Try to quantify the student''s strengths or rank him or her vis a vis other applicants that you have observed.
He was in the top 10% of his class.
She has the best analytical skills of any person her age that I have ever supervised.
8.Avoid generalities and platitudes.
9.Include some mild criticism, typically the flip-side of a strength.
The only fault I have encountered in him is his retiring nature. His modesty sometimes hides a young man of remarkable strength and broad interests.
Occasionally, her fortitude and persistence can turn into stubbornness, but usually her good nature and level-headedness prevail.
10.Discuss the applicant''s potential in his or her chosen field.
I enthusiastically recommend Mr. Doe to your graduate school. This well-rounded student will be a fine social worker.
With her exceptional leadership, writing, and research skills, Ms. Smith will be an outstanding professor and a credit to the graduate school she attends.
10 Tips for Recommenders
1.Review a copy of the applicant''s personal statement or application essays so that your letter of recommendation can dovetail with--not conflict with or duplicate--the rest of the application.
2.Ask the applicant to supply you with additional information like a resume.
3.Describe your qualifications for comparing the applicant to other applicants.
I have been teaching for twenty years and have advised approximately 450 students on independent research projects over the last five years.
I have personally supervised ten interns every summer for the last five years plus worked with over two hundred college graduates in my capacity as trainer for Big Bank Corp.
4.Discuss how well you know the applicant.
I was able to get to know Mr. Doe because he made it a point to attend two of my sections every week when only one was required.
Ms. Smith reported directly to me for two years prior to her well-deserved promotion to the position of Assistant Campaign Manager
5.Choose two to three qualities that you observed in the applicant.
Jane has a rare blend of top writing and interpersonal skills.
The combination of tenacity, analytical abilities, and good communications skills found in Mr. Doe is truly unique.
6.In discussing those qualities, support your statements with specific instances in which he or she demonstrated those attributes. Be as concrete and detailed as possible
He is the only student I ever had who came to all my office hours as part of a relentless, and ultimately successful, drive to master political theory. He was one of just ten percent in the class to receive an A.
Because of Jane''s writing skills, I didn''t hesitate to ask her to write a report which was used by our PAC as the basis for a major policy statement. Congressman X eventually used the statement, based on Jane''s sophisticated 20-page analysis of Middle East politics, in lobbying for increased funding.
7.Try to quantify the student''s strengths or rank him or her vis a vis other applicants that you have observed.
He was in the top 10% of his class.
She has the best analytical skills of any person her age that I have ever supervised.
8.Avoid generalities and platitudes.
9.Include some mild criticism, typically the flip-side of a strength.
The only fault I have encountered in him is his retiring nature. His modesty sometimes hides a young man of remarkable strength and broad interests.
Occasionally, her fortitude and persistence can turn into stubbornness, but usually her good nature and level-headedness prevail.
10.Discuss the applicant''s potential in his or her chosen field.
I enthusiastically recommend Mr. Doe to your graduate school. This well-rounded student will be a fine social worker.
With her exceptional leadership, writing, and research skills, Ms. Smith will be an outstanding professor and a credit to the graduate school she attends.
10 Tips for Recommenders
1.Review a copy of the applicants personal statement or application essays so that your letter of recommendation can dovetail with--not conflict with or duplicate--the rest of the application.
2.Ask the applicant to supply you with additional information like a resume.
3.Describe your qualifications for comparing the applicant to other applicants.
I have been teaching for twenty years and have advised approximately 450 students on independent research projects over the last five years.
I have personally supervised ten interns every summer for the last five years plus worked with over two hundred college graduates in my capacity as trainer for Big Bank Corp.
4.Discuss how well you know the applicant.
I was able to get to know Mr. Doe because he made it a point to attend two of my sections every week when only one was required.
Ms. Smith reported directly to me for two years prior to her well-deserved promotion to the position of Assistant Campaign Manager
5.Choose two to three qualities that you observed in the applicant.
Jane has a rare blend of top writing and interpersonal skills.
The combination of tenacity, analytical abilities, and good communications skills found in Mr. Doe is truly unique.
6.In discussing those qualities, support your statements with specific instances in which he or she demonstrated those attributes. Be as concrete and detailed as possible
He is the only student I ever had who came to all my office hours as part of a relentless, and ultimately successful, drive to master political theory. He was one of just ten percent in the class to receive an A.
Because of Janes writing skills, I didnt hesitate to ask her to write a report which was used by our PAC as the basis for a major policy statement. Congressman X eventually used the statement, based on Janes sophisticated 20-page analysis of Middle East politics, in lobbying for increased funding.
7.Try to quantify the students strengths or rank him or her vis a vis other applicants that you have observed.
He was in the top 10% of his class.
She has the best analytical skills of any person her age that I have ever supervised.
8.Avoid generalities and platitudes.
9.Include some mild criticism, typically the flip-side of a strength.
The only fault I have encountered in him is his retiring nature. His modesty sometimes hides a young man of remarkable strength and broad interests.
Occasionally, her fortitude and persistence can turn into stubbornness, but usually her good nature and level-headedness prevail.
10.Discuss the applicants potential in his or her chosen field.
I enthusiastically recommend Mr. Doe to your graduate school. This well-rounded student will be a fine social worker.
With her exceptional leadership, writing, and research skills, Ms. Smith will be an outstanding professor and a credit to the graduate school she attends.
10 Tips for Recommenders
1.Review a copy of the applicant's personal statement or application essays so that your letter of recommendation can dovetail with--not conflict with or duplicate--the rest of the application.
2.Ask the applicant to supply you with additional information like a resume.
3.Describe your qualifications for comparing the applicant to other applicants.
I have been teaching for twenty years and have advised approximately 450 students on independent research projects over the last five years.
I have personally supervised ten interns every summer for the last five years plus worked with over two hundred college graduates in my capacity as trainer for Big Bank Corp.
4.Discuss how well you know the applicant.
I was able to get to know Mr. Doe because he made it a point to attend two of my sections every week when only one was required.
Ms. Smith reported directly to me for two years prior to her well-deserved promotion to the position of Assistant Campaign Manager
5.Choose two to three qualities that you observed in the applicant.
Jane has a rare blend of top writing and interpersonal skills.
The combination of tenacity, analytical abilities, and good communications skills found in Mr. Doe is truly unique.
6.In discussing those qualities, support your statements with specific instances in which he or she demonstrated those attributes. Be as concrete and detailed as possible
He is the only student I ever had who came to all my office hours as part of a relentless, and ultimately successful, drive to master political theory. He was one of just ten percent in the class to recEive an A.
Because of Jane's writing skills, I didn't hesitate to ask her to write a report which was used by our PAC as the basis for a major policy statement. Congressman X eventually used the statement, based on Jane's sophisticated 20-page analysis of Middle East politics, in lobbying for increased funding.
7.Try to quantify the student's strengths or rank him or her vis a vis other applicants that you have observed.
He was in the top 10% of his class.
She has the best analytical skills of any person her age that I have ever supervised.
8.Avoid generalities and platitudes.
9.Include some mild criticism, typically the flip-side of a strength.
The only fault I have encountered in him is his retiring nature. His modesty sometimes hides a young man of remarkable strength and broad interests.
Occasionally, her fortitude and persistence can turn into stubbornness, but usually her good nature and level-headedness prevail.
10.Discuss the applicant's potential in his or her chosen field.
I enthusiastically recommend Mr. Doe to your graduate school. This well-rounded student will be a fine social worker.
With her exceptional leadership, writing, and research skills, Ms. Smith will be an outstanding professor and a credit to the graduate school she attends.
在写简历的过程中,作为一名求职者,你应该向用人单位传递一些有效的信息,这些信息包括:A、明确自己的奋斗目标。对自已的前途有长期、明确目标的人,更易为单位赏识和任用,具有积极自我成长概念的人,对工作较积极投入,努力进取、并充满旺盛的事业心与斗志,能迅速进入工作状态。 B、体现自己的工作意愿很强烈。C、有团队协作精神。进入单位后,须与领导、同事们配合工作, 一个容易与人沟通协调的求职者可以说已有一半获胜的希望,如果你曾有社团活动的丰富经验,可尽量举例说明。D、掌握诚恳原则。在录用标准上,才能是首要的、永恒不变的第一原则,诚恳则是重要的,辅助的机动因素。面试前准备充分,心情镇定,仪容大方整洁,临场时充分表现自我,便是诚恳的最好表现。
引用应聘职位所需的主要技能和经验术语,使简历突出重点。例如,你要应聘办公室人员,招聘单位就会要求你熟悉字处理系统,如WPS或WORD 等;招工程师,需要你懂绘图和设计软件。总之,广告会对不同的职位有相应的具体的素质和技能要求。如果你符合要求,那么引用这些专业术语在你的简历中描述你的优点。如果广告未提出具体要求,你更要在简历中把你的优势具体反映出来。
英语信写作的十个技巧6篇 写英语写信作文的技巧和方法相关文章: