My English teacher作文2篇

时间:2022-10-24 09:12:00 综合范文

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My English teacher作文2篇

My English teacher作文1

  大大的眼睛,挺挺的鼻子,金黄的头发,Is my english teacher。she’s very beautiful!她的英文名Yolanda,她很年轻,虽然她人看起来很瘦弱,可是力气却不小。她上课很有意思,经常会和我们互动,而且她讲课幽默风趣,让我们有新鲜感。她在课下会和我们打成一片(关系好的意思就行……),是我们的大朋友。课下她也会和我们开玩笑,讨论最新的电影或者其他有趣的话题,我们聊得都很投机。课后她还会帮我们补习,作业完成的不好的她是绝不放过。所以我们在Yolanda的'带领下把英语学好了,玩的也很开心。每次在课上她都很仔细地给我们每一个句型每一个语法,有时候还会给我们讲一些小故事,所以她的课堂一直很活跃。



My English teacher作文2

  Of all my teachers, Mr. Li is the one who impresses me most. He looks very young for his age. And he is one of the most popular teachers in our class.

  Compare with others, Mr. Li devotes more times to his way of teaching. He tries various ways to make his class lively and interesting. In his opinion, we should not only know a knowledge of English, but also understand how to study. Therefore, instead of giving us answers, he asks us to think by ourselves. With his help, we all like learning English and we have learned how to analyze and settle problems. What a wonderful way he leads us to!

  He is such a learning person that we all admire him very much.

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