
时间:2022-10-29 12:00:00 综合范文




  tangential: 离题的; touching or connected only slightly, as a tangent line

  1) digressing; diverting

  tangential <>elemental

  tangential : essential

  tangential, incidental <>elemental

  gist, essence <>trivial point, tangential point

  tangential closely relevant

  我选的这个directly related,更多人选前者

  Her paper was marred by the inclusion of too much information that was only tangential to her main point.

  相近词汇:digressive, divergent, incidental


  dirge: 挽歌;a slow, mournful piece of music

  1) (music) a. a funeral hymn or lament b. a slow, mournful musical composition

  2) a mournful or elegiac poem or other literary work

  3) a slow, mournful piece of music, especially one intended for a funeral or similar occasion

  4) a hymn for a funeral; a song or poem expressing lament

  5) a funeral hymn or mournful speech

  dirge : grief

  dirge : mourning

  dirge : solemn

  1. The mourners sang a traditional Irish dirge

  2. The orchestra played the piece so slowly that it sounded like a dirge.

  Synonyms: lament, requiem

  dirge : music :: elegy : poetry 悲歌:音乐::挽诗:诗

  dirge : grief :: paean : praise :: madrigal : love悲歌:悲伤::赞美歌:赞美::情歌:情

  dirge : solemn :: polemic : contentious 悲歌:庄严的::辩论:有异议的


  indolent: 懒惰的; lazy, disinclined to exert oneself; habitually lazy

  1) lazy; inactive

  2) disinclined to work or exertion 

  3) of tumors

  4) habitually lazy or idle

  Synonyms: idle, inactive, slothful, sluggish

  indolent <>industrious, assiduous, stir, keenness btuse

  indolent : yield

  indolent : vivify

  1. He was accused of being indolent when in truth he lacked energy because of illness.

  2. If we find him goofing off one more time, we won't be able to escape the fact that he's indolent.

  3. An indolent student slept all day.

  indolent : stir = rectitude : transgression

  indolent : shirk = miserly : hoard 懒惰的:偷懒 = 吝啬的:积聚钱财



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