
时间:2022-12-12 10:17:00 综合范文




  A poem dedicated to teachers

  Send you a bouquet of flowers

  To express our respect to you;

  Send you a nice song,

  Give you a trace of sweetness.

  Teacher - You have worked hard,

  You are with us through the trials and tribulations,

  Are you with the knowledge of nutrition will be feeding us,

  But never with obtained.

  Yes you give us to work together to answer another difficult decision,

  Yes you told us:

  Have encountered difficulties in

  Say not to give up easily.

  From then on our lives,

  Full of joy at any time.

  Fewer troubles,

  Add a perseverance.

  Is also a harvest of autumn,

  You still rests with the hands of the brush color.

  Depicts a beautiful blueprint

  Moisten with the peach and plum homeland.

  Night you are still seriously preparing lessons,

  Sleep you still pondering the success of our fun.

  We are in full bloom in spring flowers,

  Yes you give us to play beautiful melody.

  You are hardworking gardener,

  We will keep in mind your earnest discourse.

  Take every step in life,

  Friendliness, bodybuilding, realistic, enterprising!


  With a special gift for learning

  And with a heart that deeply cares,

  You add a lot of love

  To everything you share,

  And even though

  You mean a lot,

  You'll never know how much,

  For you helped

  To change the world

  Through every life you touched.

  You sparked the creativity

  In the students whom you taught,

  And helped them strive for goals

  That could not be bought,

  You are such a special teacher

  That no words can truly tell

  However much you're valued

  For the work you do so well.









  Wonderful Teacher

  With a special gift for learning

  And with a heart that deeply cares,

  You add a lot of love

  To everything you share,

  And even though

  You mean a lot,

  You'll never know how much,

  For you helped

  To change the world

  Through every life you touched.

  You sparked the creativity

  In the students whom you taught,

  And helped them strive for goals

  That could not be bought,

  You are such a special teacher

  That no words can truly tell

  However much you're valued

  For the work you do so well.


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