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Alcoholism is a serious disease. Nearly nine million Americans alone suffer from the illness. Manyscientists disagree about what the differences are between an alcohol addict and a socialdrinker. The difference occurs when someone needs to drink. And this need gets in the way ofhis health or behavior.
Alcohol causes a loss of judgment and alertness. After a long period, alcoholism candeteriorate the liver, the brain and other parts of the body. The illness is dangerous, becauseit is involved in half of all automobile accidents. Another problem is that the victim often deniesbeing an alcohol addict and won't get help.
Solutions do exist. Many hospitals and centers help patients cope. Without assistance, thevictim can destroy his life. He would detach himself from the routines of life. He may lose hisemployment, home or loved ones.
All the causes of the sickness are not discovered yet. There is no standard for a person withalcoholism. Victims range in age, race, sex and background Some groups of people are morevulnerable to the illness. People from broken homes and North American Indians are twoexamples. People from broken homes often lack stable lives. Indians likewise had theirtraditional life taken from them by white settlers who often encourage them to consumealcohol to prevent them from fighting back. The problem has now been passed on.
Alcoholism is clearly present in society today. People have started to get help and information.With proper assistance, victims can put their lives together one day.
Would you trust a robot to park your car? The question will confront New Yorkers in Februaryas the city's first robotic parking opens in Chinatown. The technology has been successfullyapplied overseas, but the only other public robotic garage in the United States has beentroublesome, dropping vehicles and trapping cars because of technical problems.
Nonetheless, the developers of the Chinatown garage are confident with the technology andare counting on it to squeeze 67 cars in an apartment-building basement that would otherwisefit only 24, accomplished by removing a maneuver space normally required.
A human-shaped robot won't be stepping into your car to drive it.
Rather, the garage itself does the parking. The driver stops the car on a flat platform and getsout. The platform is lowered into the garage, and it is then transported to a vacant parkingspace by a computer-controlled device similar to an elevator that also runs sideways.
There is no human supervision, but an attendant will be on hand to accept cash and explainthe system to new users.
Parking rates will be attracted about $400 monthly or $25 per day, according to Ari Milstein, thedirector of planning for Automation Parking Systems, which is the U.S. subsidiary of aGerman company. This company has built automated garages in several countries overseas andin the United States for residents of a Washington, D.C. apartment building.
W: Rock stars now face a new hazard—voice abuse. After last week's announcement that PhilCollins might give up touring because live concerts are ruining his voice, doctors are counselingstars about the dos and don5ts of voice care. Here in the studio today, we have Mr. Paul Philips,an expert from the Highfield Hospital. Paul, what advice would you give to singers facing voiceproblems?
M: If pop singers have got voice problems, they really need to be more selective about wherethey work. They shouldn't work in smoky atmospheres. They also need to think about restingtheir voices after a show. Something else they need to be careful about is medicines, aspirin, forexample. Singers should avoid aspirin. It thins the blood. And if a singer coughs, this canresult in the bruising of the vocal chords.
W: And is it true that some singers use drugs before concerts to boost their voices when theyhave voice problems?
M: Yes, this does happen on occasion. They are easily-available on the Continent and they areuseful if a singer has problems with his vocal chords and has to sing that night. But if they aretaken regularly, they cause a thinning of the voice muscle. Most pop singers suffer from threethings: lack of training, overuse and abuse of the voice, especially when they are young. Theyhave difficult lives. When they go on tour, they do a vast number of concerts, sing in smokyplaces.
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