睡谷传奇读后感共4篇 沉睡谷传奇故事读后感

时间:2022-06-06 12:53:38 读后感

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睡谷传奇读后感共4篇 沉睡谷传奇故事读后感









  在《睡谷的传说》中,欧文通过环境描写和气氛烘托,成功地展现了一个偏僻山村幽静的生活情景,在这里发生了一个名叫伊卡包德·克莱恩的美国穷教师和庄稼汉的爱情冲突故事,具有独特哥特色彩。作者通过以第三者的口吻讲故事,伊卡包德·克莱恩是小说讽刺的对象,他小心眼、迷信、缺乏创造力,给睡谷这个自给自足的小天地里带来不和谐的声音。他到这里是来教书的,对于小点儿的和大点儿的学生区别对待,体现了严厉的教学管理方式。声称是代替家长教育他们。到每个学生家里吃饭是当时的习惯,是因为他的收入很少,想从学生家占点便宜。他还是该地区的歌咏教师。年轻的农妇很看好他,觉得他比他们的丈夫有修养,举止文明,每每受到她们的热情款待,因此受到村里的男人的嫉妒,到学生家里吃饭时,常为村民们帮忙打杂,为了讨得一些漂亮母亲的欢心,尽量讨好学生的家长,特别是年轻的母亲,这个长得像鹤一样的家伙,他特别贪财,爱占小便宜,满脑子里想的都是如何才能赚更多的钱,聚敛更多的物质财富。他还很迷信、尤其相信鬼神之类的故事,他恐惧的原因是常常去听老夫人的古怪的故事特别是无头骑士的传说,他想听可还害怕,当夜晚来临时,他的恐惧达到了高潮。 教音乐时,伊卡包德·克莱恩爱上德高望重的荷兰农夫的女儿卡特琳娜。与其说伊卡包德爱上卡特琳娜,不如说是他看上了卡特琳娜将继承的财富。当他到卡特琳娜家做客时,吸引他目光的不是女主人的美貌,而是宽敞的屋子,漂亮的壁炉,墙上挂着的羊毛、玉米、干果以及桌子上热腾腾的美食。每当他想起卡特琳娜,引发的联想都和卡特琳娜的父亲所拥有的田产有关。“他的一对大绿眼珠,溜溜地望着凡·塔塞尔这座温暖住宅周围的那些肥沃的草原、丰饶的小麦田、裸麦田、荞麦田和玉米田,以及果实累累的果园,心里不由思慕着将要继承这一切财产的姑娘。”





  欧文巧妙运用哥特风格表现了小说中现实与梦想冲突这一主题,深刻地揭示了美国社会变革发展中的社会矛盾。不仅北美发生了巨大变化,欧洲其他地区也发生了巨大变革。酷爱自由、平等、民主的美国人民只有逃避现实。我们细读《睡谷的传说》时,会发现欧文对小说的桃花源的主题,哥特式风格以及叙述的真实性,造成了文本意义的非确定性,向我们呈现了一个“亦此亦彼,非此非彼”的文本世界。或许这也是《睡谷的传说》为什么会成为欧文小说中引起最多评论关注的原因之一。欧文似乎在文本中为我们勾画出了一个桃花源,但走到近处细细审视,却让人不禁怀疑其真实。小说英文原名是“The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”,而“HOUow”本身就有“空洞”的意思,在消解了中心之后,不见桃源,只见隐含着后现代式的意义缺失以及无中心性的“空洞”。欧文讽刺了伊卡包德·克莱恩,但没有完全放弃对睡谷所代表的旧传统的审视和批判。在《睡谷的传说》中,存在一个明显的二项对立:伊卡包德·克莱恩代表的是变化中的美国社会,布鲁姆代表的是旧传统。美国文学批评大家Danjel Holow认为“伊卡包德·克莱恩与布鲁姆之间的冲突象征着有着地域特性的扬基佬和边地人之间的冲突——这其后很快成为我们的文学??以及我们的国家历史的一个主题。”





  世界上有许多名人正是不想困难低头才可以成功的:爱迪生发明电灯做了1000多次实验,斯帕拉捷通过不断实验才发现了蝙蝠的超声波造福人类........ 这本书讲述了人与狼之间扑朔迷离的故事,是当代文学的冒险巨作,我推荐大家也去看一看。


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  On the eastern side of the Hudson River in New York, there is a small market town called two miles from Tarrytown is a little call it \"Sleepy Hollow.\" The ancestors of the people there are the original Dutch settlers of New Sleepy Hollow people tend to be highly imaginative and often claim to have seen ghosts.

  The major ghost of the region is the spirit of a horseman without a spirit, so people say, rides every night to find his it is said that as he goes to churchyard where he is buried, he rides as fast as the wind. Soon after the end of the War(1775-6), a man named Ichabod Crane came to Sleepy Hollow to be the teacher in the was tall and head was small and flat at the had big ears, large green glay eyes, and a long thin nose.

  Ichabod taught in a one-room school house where he used a small tree branch to strike misbehaving punished the Dutch children he was careful to get along with the students whose mothers were good cooks, because his salary was low and he had meals at different families.

  Ichabod made himself useful in many helped the farmers with their daily also paed goip around to their , he was the unoffical chorus director for the the winter evening, he listened to and accepted all the ghost stories the old Dutch wives he walked home at night, every bush looked to him like a ghost covered in a sheet.

  Soon Ichabod Crane became interested in Katrina Van Tael, the only child of Baltus Van Tael had a big the time Ichabod met Van Tael and had a look at his farm, Ichabod's main purpose in life was to make Katrina his wife.

  However, Ichabod did have a rival, Abraham Van Brunt, whose nickname was Brom was very strong and very he did not really do any evil thing, he liked to play jokes on also wanted Katrina to be his was not really interested in him, but she certainly did not discourage did not want to compete publicly with just made use of every opportunity he had to see Brom tried very hard to play jokes on Ichabod at his schoolhouse and during his singing claes.

  One autumn day Ichabod was invited to a party that evening at Mynheer Van Tael' the afternoon, Ichabod spent an extra thirty minutes brushing his old and only then borrowed a horse named Gunpower from Hans Van Ripper, a bad tempered farmer he lived was a thin and old fact, Ichabod was really a strange-looking creature on the horse.

  All the important people of the area came to Heer Van Tael's castle that evening, including Brom was happy that he was he enjoyed the delicious food, he smiles to himself that he might become the owner of the farm one day.

  When the music began, Ichabod danced with he went to join a group of older folks and exchanged stories about the war and the Hollow's included the story of the tree where Major Andre was killed, and of course, the story of the headle horseman.

  Soon the party broke up; Ichabod, however, stayed on to talk with Katrina for a little he left her he felt somewhat disappointed, without knowing exactly how she felt about rode off on the old horse he had borrowed.

  It was the middle of the night when Ichabod approached Major Andre's was the place where so many of the ghost story scenes supposedly took heard a groan and saw something white, but he paed hundred yards ahead there was a bridge over a was in an area known as Wiley's the road looked dark because of the shadows from the oaks and chestnut trees.

  Ichabod's horse, Gunpowder, suddenly stopped before the just then Ichabod saw something huge climbing upward in the shadow of the was asked in unsteady voice: \"Who are you?\" There was no the unknown thing moved to the center of the thing appeared to be a large horseman, on a powerful black horse!

  Ichabod quickened his horse, and the stranger kept up with Ichabod's horse slowed down, the other horse did 's heartbeat he turned around, he was shocked to see that the horseman did not have a head! The head was carried beside the saddle.

  Ichabod tried to get away from the monster, but all he did was in monster came closer and they reached the churchyard, the monster hit Ichabod with its own fell off and tumbled headlong into the morning the old horse was no one could find they did find was a shattered pumpkin on the people in the area came to the conclusion that Ichabod had been carried off by the galloping an old farmer, who had been to New York City, learned that Ichabod was still alive and became a judge in the Bones, in the meantime, had married he heard anyone tell this story, he always laughed especially heartily when anyone mentioned the old country wives, however, still believe that Ichabod was carried away by some supernatural spirits.

  B 赵凡

睡谷传奇读后感共4篇 沉睡谷传奇故事读后感相关文章:
