初中演讲稿英语8篇 英语演讲稿初中励志200字

时间:2024-05-12 14:48:00 演讲稿

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初中演讲稿英语8篇 英语演讲稿初中励志200字


  Today a boy named ** is standing here and talking about the near future of the earth.Most people believe that we are living on a beautiful and vital palent.

  Because we can find everything we need from everywhere on th earth.But some of us who study the earth are very surprised that th earth is going to die much sooner than before.It means th earth will be like the Mars in a few years.And then most animals will be exterminated ,and the organism called human may not be seen on the earth any more.Is that a lie or a joke?

  No,it's serious and true .A river can be polluted by only a little trash and so little trash can be made by hundreds of families a year. But no country even America can clean the rivers as soon as we pollute them.I'm afriad we do something wrong over and over again. So we have less and less time to redress the balance of Nature.Luckily, it's not too late now. People have many things to do to stop the disaster. For example having a low-carbon lifestyle is one of the best ideas.

  More and more young people like to live a low-carbon life. So you see ,life with low-carbon can be fashionable.In fact when we protect the earth , we are protecting ourselves.Thanks for listening to me.


  Ladies and Gentlemen:

  My topic is Honesty.

  As a correspondent of the Qingdao Morning News, I visited Dr. James Gilman, the President of the International Committee for Marco Polo Studies in England. In this picture, this is James, and this is me and we are looking at a dragon’s tooth. This is a true story.

  65 years ago, James lived in Qingdao. Then he was only 5 years old. He often visited the Aquarium and was fascinated by a creature on display there, which he thought was a dragon. He was afraid of its sharp teeth and wanted one to keep as a treasure.

  He kept the tooth for the next 65 years, but the feeling of guilt at having stolen it was there in the background all through his life. It was always on his conscience, and the feeling intensified as he became older. Finally he decided to put right his childish error. In 20xx, he visited Qingdao and returned it to the Aquarium with his sincere apologies. He received a warm welcome.

  When James visited Qingdao, I accompanied him all the time and reported on his visit. I was deeply touched by his honesty. It has taught me a lot. I think to err is human. The important thing is to have the courage to admit and correct one’s error.

  Honesty is a vital quality of human behaviour. So we should try to keep an honest mind in everything we say and do. I would like to say to all of my friends: Let’s be honest people of good moral character.

  Thank you very much.


  My purpose of being here

  Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, distinguished leaders and judges. It's really my great pleasure to be here.

  Just now, off the stage, I was wondering if I could present well here, but now in the spotlight, I am not that nervous, and all I want to show you is my personality and confidence.

  I'm always puzzled by a question that is: Is it true that Xinjiang students don't have ability to have a big talent in learning English. I happened to hear that many people think Xinjiang is a poor area with lots of low educated people there. They don't believe Xinjiang students can do as well as the students in big cities like Beijing or Shanghai. Even worse, someone ever asked me if I rode camel to go to school and had English classes. I was extremely angry and I didn't know how they could ask such questions. Later I realized that they look down on the education and economy of Xinjiang. So my purpose of being here is to change this kind of view. In my opinion, wherever you study, the most important point is yourself. Things are decided by your position. I mean I'm not going to win a prize for myself, but to win much honor for my hometown. I'll let you know how is Xinjiang student's ability, and show you, everyone here and the audiences all over this nation, Xinjiang students do have ability to be the champion. It's certain that I'd love to win me a big prize, because I love myself, but more important I love my hometown.

  Thank you.







  one night a hotel caught fire, and the people who were staying in it ran out in their night clothes.

  two men stood outside and looked at the fire.

  “before i came out,” said one,“i ran into some of the rooms and found a lot of money. people don't think of money when they're afraid. when anyone leaves paper money in a fire, the fire burns it. so i took all the bills that i could find.no one will be poorer because i took them.”

  “you don't know my work,” said the other.

  “what is your work?”

  “i'm a policeman.

  “oh!” cried the first man. he thought quickly and said,“and do you know my work?”“no,”said the policeman.

  “i'm a writer. i'm always telling stories about things that never happened.”


  Nothing is impossible to a willing mind.

  I always say nothing is impossible.You never look smart.You never say anything.

  One day, you are rocking on stage.I'm just the common one in the crowd looking at you.I ask you why?You say "Impossible is nothing, if you persist in what you love".Well, yeah!Nothing is possible, I was right.But most importantly, you have to believe Impossible is Nothing.


Good morning, ladies and gentlemen

  Today my topic is"Be more civilized to welcome the Expo"

  As we all know, the next EXPO will be held in Shanghai in 21. We will have thousands of visitors here in our hometown, then how should we show our manners? Of course, all of us prefer to show our good manners, so we should pay attention to our daily customs, China is a traditional country with a long history. The young should show our Chinese culture and good manners to the world .I t is easy to say than to do ,most of us didn’t pay enough attention to “seven don’ts” sometimes they throw rubbish everywhere ,cross the road when the light is red ough they know these behavirous are not good ,they still do it .I hope everyone of us can take part in this social practice should carry ourselves well ,respect our teachers and so on ,try to show our best manners to the world .

  I think ,we should follow the next three points in our daily life :

  First :Keep our clothes clean and neat ,too much make up looks unnatural for us .

  Second :We should obey the old saying “See no evil ,hear no evil ,speak no evil .”

  Third :We should be polite to others ,especially to the foreigners the Expo comes ,there will be a lot of foreigners ,we can show friendliness to them ,we can show the way to them ,say “hello “to them ,and I think our smiling faces are also necessary .

  Show good manners to welcome the 21 Expo .

  Are you ready?

  That’s all k you .


  We should learn to stick to our life no matter how difficult the life is and we should learn to love others .

  It is the flim tellsx me .

  It is a story talks about a black girl named Precious .

  Precious isx fat and not beautiful.

  Her bad temped mother never workx, always cheated others to relieve her ,and atex while watching TV all day.

  What is worse ,Precious was only 16,but she had pregnant for twice .

  Out of assumption ,her child is her farther 's child .

  Living in this life ,she alawys imagine to avoid facing her life .

  Fortunately,with the help and careness of the teacher and doctor ,her life became not so bad .

  Precious has a tough life ,and if she gives up her life and does not join the adult education ,she will not meet the teacher and her life may not be changed .

  When we xfaced with the difficulty x,avoidingx is not a good way for us.

  It can not solve the problems.

  What we need to do is that analying the cause and trying to changed our place .

  So we should be brave and face the trap directly.

  The film also teachs us to love others.

  Precious is someone who may exit near us .

  If precious own a good family and some friends,she may not fell so despaired.

  In spite of the development of our world ,there still many people suject misfortune.

  love and help can make them fell better ,so we should not scant our love .


  honorable judges and dear friends, my name is maer dongyan, i’m very happy today to stand here to share my speech, my imagination, and my story as an air traffic controller with all of you.

  i, as a 35-year-old air traffic controller, have been working on the tower for nearly ten years. through these years’ working, i really come to love this job. besides, as the husband of my beloved, the father of my 8-year-old daughter, and the son of my old parents, i also love my family, a happy family.

  however, it has been really hard to coordinate my work and my family.

  it’s generally considered great to be an air traffic controller by the public, for the job is believed to be well-paid and quite easy. i was also one of them before i started the work. but things have been entirely different from what i used to think. as an air traffic controller of the new century, we’re facing tasks and barriers greater and harder than ever, that is, we have to ensure the safety and order of the fast-developing civil aviation. we’re burdened with pressure, responsibilities, the trust of hundreds of pilots, the lives of tens of thousands of passengers, and the hopes of millions of families. every step we take, every word we say is connected to the safety of passengers. and disasters may occur if we’re even a little bit careless. then, how can that be easy?

  as a man who owns a family, i also have to take care of my family. still, it isn’t that easy. since i took the job 10 years ago, i haven’t had enough time to be with my family. so many festivals have i spend with microphones, but not my family and friends, just because my job needs me. so many times have my wifecomplained about my returning home late and having meals outside often, just because my job needs me. and so many times, my mom or dad is sick in bed, but i cannot be there with them in time, just because my job needs me. i cannot fully devote myself to my family because my job needs me, a lot of people need me. and again, as a man with a family, how can that be easy?

  even though i’m not competent as a father, a husband, and a son, i still love my family. my daughter once said that it was her happiest time to see me back from work. and it’s the same with me. i’m pleased and grateful to see that my family can support and understand my work and my little devotion to them.

  i have made many sacrifices as an air traffic controller. i really feel sorry for my family. but as i help pilots find their destinations under terrible weather conditions, and then hear “thanks” from them, i’m satisfied. and as i see planes taking off and landing safely, and make sure that hundreds more families can get together, i’m comforted. i even seem to be able to see the happy smiles on their faces.

  such is my job, though i cannot enjoy much of the happiness my family brings to me, i can experience the sense of responsibility through my work. i’ll never regret this, regret choosing my job. it is through these years that i know what responsibility and devotion really mean. and it is through these years that i realize what family really means to me---supporting and understanding. i really appreciate them.

  with my family as an anchor for me, i firmly believe that i can overcome all the difficulties on my way, and make a contribution to the cause of air traffic control. and i believe, i am, and always will be a member of civil aviation, and my family as well.

  that’s all for my speech today, thank you very much for your listening.

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