钻井工程师工作汇报共3篇 井下钻探工工作总结

时间:2022-06-19 04:41:29 工作总结

  想要让自己的实践工作能力不断得到提升,学会写工作总结是很重要的,总结的内容需要在我们思考工作完成情况后得出的。一份好的工作总结能让我们的工作思路更加清晰。下面是范文网小编收集的钻井工程师工作汇报共3篇 井下钻探工工作总结,供大家阅读。

钻井工程师工作汇报共3篇 井下钻探工工作总结





3、钻井工程师负责常规技术措施的制定,保证正常作业施工时设备和井下安全。 4、钻井工程师负责在项目经理的领导下,妥善处理和甲方及第三方的关系。 5、钻井工程师负责井控工作和井控设备的管理。 6、钻井工程师负责钻井参数仪的维护管理。 7、钻井工程师负责测斜工具的维护管理。

8、钻井工程师负责钻具、管具和各种井下工具的管理。 9、钻井工程师负责计算机的使用与维护。








  钻井工程师岗位责任制 Drilling engineer’s station-responsibility (一) 岗位责任制 Station-responsibility 1. 负责向平台干部,职工贯彻工程设计,制订与落实各阶段的钻井施工措施和参数,向钻井领班下达每次作业技术指令。

engineer is responsible to give publicity to the well project design and formulate the measures and parameters of the drilling . 负责钻头的选型及使用分析,负责钻具的管理及下井钻具组合的选配。

engineer is responsible to choose the type of bit and bottom hole aemble and analyses the result of the bit’s . 负责指重表、泵压表以及各种工程仪表的使用与管理。

engineer is responsible to administrate and make use of drilling engineering . 负责井控设备的定期检查与试压,监督落实井控措施的执行情况,定期组织井控演习。

engineer is responsible to check and have preure test to well control , Drilling engineer should organize the well control . 严把取芯、井身、固井3大质量关。

engineer is responsible to control the quality of the core hole and cementing 6. 负责新技术、新工艺的推广与应用。

engineer is responsible to apply and spread the new technology and . 负责收集、整理、上报各种钻井原始资料,负责填写钻井井史。


engineer is responsible to collect and put the original data in order and report engineer is responsible to compile well . 搞好平台钻工的技术教育,以及每口井的技术交底工作。

engineer is in charge of drilling technology education and explanation to the floor man 9. 负责组织对工程事故调查处理,原因分析,制定预防措施,并向平台经理提出处理意见,经平台经理同意后向技术科汇报。

engineer is in charge of investigation of project accident and the analysis of reason, Drilling engineer is responsible to formulate the measure to prevention of the accident, and give the advice to to technical department after the manger’s . 关键作业和复杂作业时必须到现场亲自指挥,做到“五到平台三值班”,即打隔水导管、下套管固井、装井口、起下钻“两头”、测斜、处理井下复杂情况必须到钻台,拖航、油层井段钻进、试油射孔、求产放喷需坚持值班。

engineer must do as a director when a well occur complicate construction such as conductor drilling, BOP installing, tripping of initial stage, directional well data’s survey managing of the complicate engineer should on duty during the towing, drilling of oil formation, well-test, 、参加平台旬度检查,对钻井设备的事故隐患要及时组织整改。

engineer should take part in the checking of quarter of the year and certificates the potential problem for drilling equipment 、完成领导交办的临时工作;认真填写“工作日志”。

engineer should the finish the job offered by the leader and fill the work log.(二)循回检查线路 Checking route 值班房—综合录井房—钻台下—钻具堆场—井控装置—泥浆泵舱--循环系统—钻台上

  Dog house-log house-drilling floor bottom -drilling pipe yard-well control equipment –mud circulating system (三)检查项点 Check points 值班房:工程班报表填写工整,齐全;泥浆班报表填写工整,及时。

  Dog house: check the drilling and mud records filled correctly and promptly.综合录井房:地质岩性变化情况,钻时快慢情况;录井中油气显示井段及级别;钻进中有无异常提示。 Log house: observe the change of the character, the display of the oil and gas.钻台下:封井器固定牢靠,合乎标准要求;封井器及管线卫生良好,不漏油、漏泥浆。

  Bottom of the drilling floor: check the BOP stack fixed firm or not, BOP and the control pipes is clean or not, and don’t leak the oil and mud.钻台上:1、检查钻台钻杆立柱编号与录井下井编号是否一致,对应井深与计算数据是否一致;2、死绳固定牢靠,螺丝背帽齐全紧固,防跳螺丝齐全;3、传压器固定良好,灵敏,管线不漏油,冬季用防冻液;4、指重表、泵压表、扭距表等司钻操作台仪表读数准确;5、了解井下情况,作业指令与钻井参数是否匹配合理;6、封井器司控台仪表显示正常,随时可用;7、节流、压井控制台仪表显示正常,随时可用。8、检查节流压井管汇闸门开关位置是否正确,各闸门开关是否灵活。

  Drilling floor: the stand pipe’s number which is same to number of the the dead line block fixed well or transformer fixed good, sensitive, not leak of the oil, antifreeze in winter; indicator, pump preure instrument, torque instrument are accuracy; the down well condition, operating instructions and the drilling parameters match reasonably; preventer control station instrument display normally, , kill the console instrument display normal, ready for throttling kill manifold valve switch position is correct, all gate switch are flexible.井控装置:1、远程控制台卫生清洁、无油污;2、液压管线接头紧固,不刺、不漏、试压可靠;3、电泵、气泵工作正常;4、控制台、仪表齐全、充压手柄完好,位置正确,各仪表压力在要求范围之内。

  Well control equipment: control console cleanne without greasy dirty; pipeline joint fastening, no leakage, preure test and reliable; pump and air pump work condition; console and Instrument is complete, charging - the handle in good condition, correct position, the preure in the instrument in the required range.钻具堆场:1、到平台钻具按种类不同合理摆放;2、钻具摆放排列整齐;3、检查钻具丝扣清洁,水眼内无杂物;4、备用、上下钻台钻具丝扣戴好护丝;5、不使用的钻具分类打捆,以免误下井。

  Drilling pipe yard: drilling pipe arrange reasonably according to the different placement; 2, drilling pipes are putted in order; 3, check the drilling tool thread clean, no debris in the water hole; 4, drilling tool thread should wear thread protector, when them need rise up and down the drilling floor; 5, not used the tools should be bailed claifiably, in order to avoid mistake.


  Mud circulates system: solid control equipment work well .mud tank surface no abnormal condition performance good;, reserve enough heavy mud or mud.四、岗位风险以及控制措施 Post risks and control measures (一) 岗位风险 Post risks 1、对井下情况调查不清,施工技术措施制定不当,影响施工质量,引发复杂情况和事故; 2、施工技术措施和工艺纪律执行不严,造成质量事故和工程事故;


the underground investigation is not clear, improper construction technical measures, affect construction quality, the complex situation and accidents; technical measures, execution and proce discipline is lax caused quality accidents and accidents; the oil and gas layer, the drilling in complex or high preure formation improper disposal time, may be a blowout, lost circulation and sticking engineering accidents and other complex situations; (二) 控制措施control measures 1、根据项目的地质设计提示,调查邻井地质资料,对高压油气水层和可能含有H2S气体的地层,提出安全施工措施,做好技术交底;

2、审查《钻井施工设计》中预防井喷、预防H2S气体的措施是否得当; 3、管理井控台账,保证井控设备完好,井控物资储备充足; 4、掌握钻具和井下情况,预防井喷和井下事故; 5、按照《HSE现场检查表》规定,定期进行检查;



to the project geological design tips, geological survey of adjacent well data, the high preure oil and gas layer and formation that may contain H2S gas, safety construction measures are proposed, completes the technical disclosure; the drilling construction design, to prevent blowout, H2S gas prevention measures are appropriate; 3, Manage well control parameter, to guarantee the well control equipment in good condition, well control supplies sufficient reserves; drilling tools and downhole condition, prevention of well blowout and downhole accidents; 五、应急责任


2、发生硫化氢溢出时,立即带好防毒面具,按防硫措施处理; 3、井喷失控,立即向应急集合点集合,等候下步措施;

4、熟悉各种应急情况下的报警信号,明确自己在各种应急情况下的岗位职责。 Emergency duty 1, received a wellhead overflow report, immediately report to the manager, to the scene immediately, calculate preure well data, work out schemes for the kill well, begin to skill the well; 2, hydrogen sulfide overflow occurs, immediately take a mask, according to the sulfur measures; 3, blowout out of control, immediately to the emergency aembly point set, waiting for the next step; 4, familiar with all kinds of alarm signals under emergency situation, clear their responsibility in all kinds of emergency situations.






钻井工程师工作汇报共3篇 井下钻探工工作总结相关文章:
