雅思口语话题part1范文3篇 selfie雅思口语part1

时间:2023-03-13 16:00:00 综合范文

  下面是范文网小编整理的雅思口语话题part1范文3篇 selfie雅思口语part1,供大家赏析。

雅思口语话题part1范文3篇 selfie雅思口语part1


? Do your prefer rainy days or sunny days

  Well, I really like sunny days because they are warm and bright, which pushes me to spend time outdoors doing all sorts of activities and soaking up the sun really gives me a lot of energy and optimism.

? What do you do on rainy days

  Well, as rainy days make me feel sluggish and lazy, all I do is stay in bed all day long or indulge in a massage. I can also get immersed in a good book or watch some romantic movies.

? What do you usually do when it rains and you are outside

  Oh, I really hate getting soaked to the skin. That’s is why if I am outside when it starts raining and don’t have an umbrella with me, I either take a taxi and go straight to the destination or run as fast as I can to the nearest shelter.

? Do you think rain is good

  I wouldn’t say it always is, as too much rain can cause flash floods, destroy crops and make rivers overflow so that homes get flooded or swept away completely.

? How does rain affect life in your country

  I think the right amount of rain brings much needed relief to farmers because it leads to an increase in crop yields and as a result, boosts the income of all the people engaged in agriculture.

? Is there any part in your country where it doesn’t rain much?

  Definitely there is. I guess that the place that receives the least amount of rainfall in China is the desert area of Xinjiang.


  1 How did your parents choose your name?

  To be truthful, I’m not sure how they chose it; I’ve never asked them. I suppose it was just a name that they both liked, and maybe they thought it suited me.

  2 Does your name have any special meaning?

  I think it might do, but I don’t know what that meaning is; I’ve never looked it up. Maybe I’ll google it later today; you’ve made me curious to find out!

  3 Is your name common or unusual in your country?

  Yes, it’s quite a common name. I remember that there were two other people with the same name as me in my class at school.

  4 If you could change your name, would you?

  Not at all, I definitely wouldn’t. My name is part of my identity now, and it would feel strange to suddenly change it. I don’t think my friends and family would like that either.

  5 What is your (full) name? Does your name have any special meaning?

  My full name is Nguyen Thi Hong. My parents gave me that name.

  In English, Hong means “Pink” which is a very bright color. So I guess my parents wanted to have a cheerful and successful life.

  6 Have you ever changed your name?

  I have never changed my name and I will not, even in the future. I am fond of this name and it is really meaningful to me since my parents must have considered a lot to give me that name.

  7 Why do so many people change their name?

  I am not sure about other countries but in Vietnam, I think most people change their names because these names are not really appropriate nowadays.


? What activities do teenagers in your country like to do?

  Well, they do anything that lets them enjoy their time, I guess, for example, doing shopping and hanging out with friends, watching online videos and meeting new people.

? Do you often spend time with teenagers?

  Oh yes. I am an adolescent myself, so the majority of my friends are teenagers and we spend quite a bit of time together.

? What is the best part of being a teenager in your country?

  Oh, I think it is having many possibilities, unlimited potential, no time boundaries, and feeling mighty, as a result.

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