
时间:2024-04-05 10:00:00 综合范文




  Dear my friend,I am your classmate XXX. I heard that you stay, I specifically wrote a letter to condolences to you. Better condition you do? Very lonely staying in the hospital now! Read the letter I wrote you, I did want to go to the hospital to see you, I do not know which hospital you can tell me? These days you do not, we would like you, drop the class up as soon as possible, the sixth-grade class can not be charged. Would like you a speedy recovery and come back to school safely.

  I heard you have to do surgery, you cheer in this fuel, is ready to you as soon as possible and our operation is successful reunion.

  I wish you a speedy recovery and return as soon as possible.

  Truly yours


  Dear,How time flies! I have studied in my school for three years. And I willgraduate from middle school in a month. I am eager to share my happiness andsadness with you.

  I had so many memories in three years’ life. One of them impressed me verymuch. I still remember, when I began to learn English, I found it too matter how hard I tried, I still couldn’t do well in it and almost gave itup. As soon as my English teacher found my problem, she had a talk with me abouthow to learn English well. Since then, she has kept helping me. Little bylittle, I’ve become interested in English and I’m good at it. I think I am solucky to become one of her students. I’ve learned a lot from her.

  I will try to help others when they are in trouble. I think it is a happything to help others.

  Truly yours


  Dear Mr. / Ms.,

  This is to introduce Mr. Frank Jones, our new marketing specialist who will be in London from April 5 to mid April on business.

  We shall appreciate any help you can give Mr. Jones and will always be happy to reciprocate.

  Yours faithfully






  Dear Cindy

  There are many rules at my home,but I like these they are good for morning I have to get up at half past I must do exercise before I go to get can't play with my friends becauseI must do my homework can watch TV,but I must finish my I have to go to bed before 9:'m very happy.


  Zhao Liang


  Dear,How was I to know that you were watching me sleep? I awoke to see you laying there and just then, you smiled and said hi and that just melted me. I wish with all of my heart that I could wake to your beautiful eyes for the rest of my hated to leave but as I have told you, I left a big part of me with you. It is yours now so, take care and tread lightly. I wish that I could be with you now as you face so many struggles, but know that I am there in spirit and am praying for everything to work out for you. No matter where this life takes us, together or not, know that you and your girls will always be in my heart and "my favorite." Love always,Amanda

  Truly yours


  Dear,Thank you for your letter of 26 January. I apologize for the delivery problems you had with us last month. I have had a meeting with our production and shipping managers to work out a better system for handling your account .We know we made a mistake on your last order . Although we replaced it for you. we want to make sure it does not happen again. We have devised the enclosed checklist to use for each of your future order. It includes your firm's particular specifications, packing requirements and marking instructions. I believe can service your company better and help you operations run more smoothly with this safeguard. Please contact us if there are any additional points you would like us to include.

  Truly yours


  Dear,I have been good at school. I often think of you when I go to bed because we always go for a walk before go to bed at home. So I miss you everyday.

  Do you miss me? Why don't you call me? I've got a lot of things to tell you.

  One of the things is about foreign teacher's daughter. Her name's Skyler. She lives in Canada. She comes to our class to learn Chinese and English with me in my class.

  This afternoon, when it was art and craft class, our class were cleaning the gymnasium. And she did it with us too. So I usually talk to her when she doesn’t know what to do? But when the class is over, I always haven't got enough time to talk to her. And I usually can't find her. So we don't have time to introduce to each other. But it is the first time that I have a foreign student. So I'm very happy!

  Mum, you often tell me, "If you are happy, I'll be happy, too."So you have to be happy, because I'm happy! I like you when you are happy!

  In the end, I wish you everything is just fine!



  Dear Laura,This is exciting news. Congratulations to you. I believe that new home will bring you a better livingenvironment,and make your whole family more laughter. If there's anything I can do,please tellme. I will do my utmost to help you. My wife and I will attend the party on time.



  商务英语书信(Business or Commercial English Correspondence)是指交易时所使用的通信,英语书信格式与称谓的差异。在美国,常用Business writing,它包括书信、电报、电话、电传、报告书、明信片等。英语和美语在书信体例方面存在着一定的差异,比如信头和称呼、书信格式、遣词、结尾客套语等均有所不同。


  英国书信较为保守,许多英国人喜欢用老式书信体,用词较为正式刻板,而美国书信语言非常生气、有活力,格式也较为简便。因此当我们写信的对象是英国或其旧殖民地国家时,要使用标准式英语Queen's English;如果写信的对象是美国或美国势力范围的地区时,就要用美国英语。当然,英国式的语言文化近年来也有变化,但总体来说,两者间的差异是很明显的。


  商业英文书信,一般都要求用打字机或电脑整齐地打印,左边各行开头垂直的,称为垂直式或齐头式(Block style),美国常用这种格式;每段的第一个词缩进去,称为缩进式或锯齿式(indented style),英国常用此格式。垂直式的职务及签名都在左边的边栏界线,这种格式,在极度尊重工作效率的美国公司,已普遍采用,其它英语写作《英语书信格式与称谓的差异》。正式的商业英语书信要在称呼的上方写上收信公司名称和地址或收信人的名字全称、的职务及地址,称为信内地址(Inside address)。信内地址的`写法也有垂直式和缩进式之分,垂直式和称美国式将各行并列,缩进式或称英国式将各行依次退缩。


  近来英国商业书信信内地址并未依次缩进,似乎与美国式相同。此外,在美国还流行一种普通收信人地址的写法,就是在书信的Inside Address中,把门牌号和街名都省略掉。在英文书信中要使用敬语,最普遍的敬语是Mr, Mrs和Miss(用于未婚女性)。英国人常在男性的姓名之后用Esq. (Esquire的缩写),不过在商业上也在慢慢地改用Mr. Mmes.(Madam的复数形式),用于二个女士以上。Messrs(Mr的复数形式)用于二个以上的男人,或用于二个以上的男人组成的公司或团体。在英国式英文信里,Mr, Mrs, Messrs,均不加缩写句点,相反地趋向于进步自由的美语反而加缩写句点如Mr., Mrs., Messrs.。在称呼方面,商业上最普遍的有Gentlemen(美国式)与Dear Sirs(英国式)二种,相当于我国的“敬启者”或“谨启者”。


  给公司单位写信时美语用Gentlemen(复数形式),英语用Dear Sirs。如果对方公司只一人时,必须使用Sir/Dear Sir。称呼后一般要使用标点符号,英国式采用逗号(comma),美国式用分号(colon)。书信结尾客套语(complimentary close)有多种,相当于我国书信在结尾时使用的“敬礼”、“致敬”、“顺安”等句。最为典型的美国式写法是Sincerely和Best regards,典型的英国式表达有Yours sincerely(熟人或知道对方姓名),Best wishes, kind regards 和yours faithfully(不知姓名)。此外,英国式的客套语还有特别礼貌的格式,但除了特殊情况外,现在不再使用。



  I‘d like to share my experience of learning English with 've just become a high school student and I am not good at i had a really hard time learning high school,i gradually recognized the importance of learning English and really want to learn it i asked my teachers and classmates for am so happy that they are all friendly and gave me some really helpful suggestions,for example,listening english program and reading english found that there are so many interesting ways to learn english and now i become more and more interested in believe i can do well in english in high school now.




  Suppose you won a translation contest and your friend, Jack, wrote an email to congratulate you and ask for advice on translation. Write him a reply to

  1) thank him, and

  2) give advice.

  You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.

  Do notsign your own name at the end of the text. Use “Li Ming” instead.

  Do notwrite the address.(10 points)

  Truly yours


  Dear Mary,I’d like to invite you to join us for a visit to the nearby nursing homenext Saturday for the Double Ninth Festival. It is the day for the elderly inour culture.

  We’ll go and make dumplings and cakes with the elderly people there. We’llalso spend some fun time together singing, dancing and playing games, which wehope will make them happy. We should be back around 4 o’clock in the you are able to come with us, please let us know and we’ll wait for you atthe gate at 9 in the morning.

  Looking forward to your reply.

  Truly yours



Dear Mr. Clark:

  We are wondering if you and Mrs. Clark want to have supper with us on Friday, January 21st at seven o'clock?

  James and I are looking forward with great pleasure to seeing you and Mrs.Clark. We do hope you can come.

  Sincerely yours,

  Lucy Wheeler


  Dear Lynn,I have good news to tell you. Bill and I had moved to ChaoyangDistrict,which I had told you last time. We liked it very would like to invite all of our friends come to our new homefor a housewarming join us at 17:00 . onSunday,March 28, 20xx. Directions are enclosed.

  We hope you and your wife will be able to attend on time.

  Yours truly,Laura


  Leaders, Members:

  Hello, everyone.

  My name is XXX. You can call me Andy in English. I'm from Tieling elementary school. I'm in Grade 2 Class 1. I'm seven years old. As you can see, I have big eyes and round face. I am not very tall but I am very strong and smart.

  I was selected by my classmates to be the monitor. Now I am in charge of the whole class to help my teacher. I like this position and I will do my best to make our class better.

  I know why my classmates selected me to be the monitor, because I am very caring and understanding, I am organized and responsible, additionally I am not selfish,not like lots of children do at present. I feel very happy when I help others.

  I learned all these virtues from my mom and dad. They both are very nice persons. I am proud of them, besides they are nice, my mum is beautiful and my dad is handsome. I love them very much.

  I like English. Sometimes I talk with my mom in English. My mom helped me a lot in learning English. I like singing, dancing and drawing. My favorite colors are blue and green. These two colors make me think of the sky, ocean and forest. I want to grow up to be a man with broad mind like the sky, to be a deep thinker like ocean and an active protector for others like forest. Thank you!

  Truly yours










