
时间:2022-07-18 10:10:00 综合范文




  disdain v. 鄙视

  The architecture of the Shanghai Bund was for decades presented as an archetypal symbol of abhorrent Western influence, which may be one of the reasons that these grand buildings were disdained.

  After three years she decided, much to her family's disdain, to study design in New York. FORBES: Creative Koreans

  Even my friends who disdain golf admitted to watching the back nine on Sunday. FORBES: Masters Monday

  Over dinner Schreibershared with Adams his disdain for combinatorial chemistry, the high-speed fabrication of synthetic molecules.


  hysteria n. 歇斯底里

  Mass hysteria is exactly the last thing a journalist should ever contribute to: poorly operated, it may serve to aggravate the panic of the public.

  Biblical scholars turned their noses up, calling it hysteria, theatrics, a faith of the illiterate. NPR: Excerpt: 'The Prince of Frogtown'

  The evening news will fill with stories of apocalyptic behavior, further raising the hysteria. FORBES: Malone's musings

  But if I'm not worried about the Y2K bug, I'm deathly afraid of Y2K hysteria. FORBES: Malone's musings


  caterwaul v. 发出难听的声音

  despite the caterwauling of the neighbor's dog, I was able to fall sleep after working the night shift.

  Meaning of words from context: Can you define the word caterwaul? You have most likely concluded that it means something similar to howl or scream.


  vexation n. 苦恼,困扰

  Fermat`s last theorem has been called the most vexing problem in all mathematics: for over 350 years, the conjecture stymied mathematicians, until it was finally proven in 1995.

  The vexation arises from the fact that the increases will be on top of already high prices, a reflection—as I wrote in the last post—of the crisis in Japanese agriculture.


  proclivity n. 倾向,偏好

  If Williams had a fault, it was an almost complete trust in others, a proclivity bordering on naiveté .

  Only government has the systematic power to thwart our natural proclivity to adapt and improve. FORBES: We Have Less of All These Things Because We Hoped for Too Much

  perhaps in doing so, it was counting on his well-established proclivity to yield to Chinese demands. CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Huawei? No way

  he was no stranger to hard work, and his innate proclivity to entrepreneurship was clear even then.


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