people, person
individuals 个人,个人
characters 多指某一类型,具有某一属性或品质的人物
e.g. a couple of shady characters standing on the corner 站在角落里的几个形迹可疑的人
folks 人们,人群(用复数)
positive 积极的,乐观的,正面的
promising 有前途的
pleasurable 令人愉快的
superior 更优秀的,高人一等的
dreadful 可怕的,糟透的
unfavorable 不利的,不适宜的
adverse 有害的,不利的,事与愿违的
a lot of=a great deal of=plenty of 多用于不可数名词前
a great number of=a large quantity of=considerable amount of 多用于可数名词前
a slice of=quite a few=several
harbor the idea that 抱有某种想法(比较温和的态度)
take the attitude that 秉持某种态度(感情较为浓烈)
hold the view that 持有某种观点(最鲜明的立场)
it is widely shared that 众所众知(多接一种观点)
it is universally acknowledged that 众所众知 (多接一种现象)
affair 事物(公共或私人均可),事件(相当于event)
stuff 东西物品(名称不详或不重要的)
matter 事情,问题(待处理的)
e.g. There are more important matters we need to discuss. 我们有更重要的事情需要讨论。
goods/commodity 商品
crucial/vital 至关重要的(extremely important)
significant/considerable 重大到足以产生某种影响 (amount or effect large enough to be important)
universal 普遍的,通用的
ubiquitous 无所不在的 (if something is ubiquitous, it seems to be everywhere)
usual 惯例的,通常的
ordinary 平凡的,平淡无奇的
in my opinion
for my part
from my own perspective
in my view
it seems to me that
exceedingly 极度,非常
extremely 非常地,极端地
intensely 强烈地
sb take interest in / sb. be interested in
sth appeals to sb, 有吸引力
sth exerts(施加影响)a tremendous fascination (巨大的魅力)on sb
facet 方面(性格,情况等)
e.g. He has travelled extensively in China, recording every facet of life. 他在中国游历颇广,记录下了生活的方方面面。
dimension (某种状况或品质)的一方面
e.g. the moral dimension of world politics 世界政治的道德方面
cause (多接坏事,不利的影响)
give rise to (某种现象或事实)引发
lead to 引起,导致
result in 导致了……的结果
trigger 引发,激发(尤其指一系列事件)
for example
to name only a few 举几个例子(一般罗列多个并列例子))
as an example 举个例子(一个例子)
for instance
detrimental 有害的
damaging 有破坏性的(程度较高)
baleful 恶意的(带有主观色彩)
e.g. the media’s pernicious influence 媒体的有害影响
destructive 破坏性的,毁灭的
e.g. The nuclear weapon is the most destructive instrument of violence and terror ever invented by humans.
fatal 致命的,毁灭性的
e.g. potentially fatal diseases 潜在致命的疾病
affluent 富裕的,富有的
the line graph compares three companies in terms of their waste output between the years 2000 and 2015.
it is clear that there were significant changes in the amounts of waste produced by all three companies shown on the graph. While companies A and B saw waste output fall over the 15-year period, the amount of waste produced by company C increased considerably.
in 2000, company A produced 12 tonnes of waste, while companies B and C produced around 8 tonnes and 4 tonnes of waste material respectively. Over the following 5 years, the waste output of companies B and C rose by around 2 tonnes, but the figure for company A fell by approximately 1 tonne.
from 2005 to 2015, company A cut waste production by roughly 3 tonnes, and company B reduced its waste by around 7 tonnes. By contrast, company C saw an increase in waste production of approximately 4 tonnes over the same 10-year period. By 2015, company C’s waste output had risen to 10 tonnes, while the respective amounts of waste from companies A and B had dropped to 8 tonnes and only 3 tonnes.(192 words, band 9)
the line graph compares the percentage of people in three countries who used the Internet between 1999 and 2009.
it is clear that the proportion of the population who used the Internet increased in each country over the period shown. Overall, a much larger percentage of Canadians and Americans had access to the Internet in comparison with Mexicans, and Canada experienced the fastest growth in Internet usage.
in 1999, the proportion of people using the Internet in the USA was about 20%. The figures for Canada and Mexico were lower, at about 10% and 5% respectively. In 2005, Internet usage in both the USA and Canada rose to around 70% of the population, while the figure for Mexico reached just over 25%.
by 2009, the percentage of Internet users was highest in Canada. Almost 100% of Canadians used the Internet, compared to about 80% of Americans and only 40% of Mexicans.(151)
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