下面是范文网小编整理的八年级上册英语期末试卷及答案3篇 八年级上册英语期末考试试卷,供大家赏析。
听力试题(共5大题,满分60分, 每小题读两遍)
1-5右 左 左 左 右
6-10 左 左 右 右 左
room Spring Festival
(B A B A)Ⅳ.听音标号,用阿拉伯数字标出所听顺序。(共15分,每小题3分。)
Part A: Two, Grade Six
One, Grade Four
Four, Grade Three
(2, 3, 1)Part B:
(2, 1, 3)Part C:
(1, 3, 2)Part D:
(1, 2, 3)Part E:
’s one ’s twelve o’’s nine thirty.(3 ,2 , 1)Ⅴ.听音,判断图片与录音内容是否相符,对的打T,错的打F。(共15分,每小题3分)
into the get up at 7 get New Year’s have a watch the Spring Festival Party on TV.(F F T T F)
library图书馆 Ⅱ.找出下列不同类的单词,把它的序号填在括号里。(共8分,每小题2分)
(C, B, B, A)Ⅲ.选择正确的单词填空。(8分,每小题2分)
1、如图,是小明用刻度尺测量一条形金属片长度的情形,该刻度尺的分度值和金属片的长度分别是 A、1cm、 B、1mm、 C、1mm、 D、1cm、
2、机场周围不允许有鸟类飞行,以免撞毁飞机。这是因为 A、以地面为参照物鸟的速度非常大
B、以机场内步行的人为参照物,鸟的速度非常大 C、以停在机场内的飞机为参照物,鸟的速度很大 D、以正在飞行的飞机为参照物,鸟的速度很大
A.声音都是靠空气来传播的 B.只要物体振动,就能听到声音
C.回声是声音被障碍物反射而形成的 D.声音的传播速度不受周围环境温度的影响
B.加湿器的工作过程利用了声音的能量特性 C.加湿器工作过程中,人听到的声音是超声波 D.超声波的传播也需要介质,不能在真空中传播
A.可能是大雪后,行驶的车辆减少,噪声减小 B.可能是大雪蓬松且多孔,对噪声有吸收作用 C.可能是大雪后,大地银装素裹,噪声被反射 D.可能是大雪后气温较低,噪声传播速度变慢
6、如图1所示的四个情景中,由光的直线传播形成的是【 】
A.坐在两侧的学生容易观察到黑板反光 B.黑板发生镜面反射,进入人眼的光线较强 C.字发生漫反射,没有光线进入人的眼睛 D.为了避免反光,黑板应打磨得粗糙些
A.一个实像和两个虚像 B.一个实像和一个虚像 C.两个虚像,无实像 D.两个实像和一个虚像
10、甲乙两种金属的密度分别是ρ甲、ρ乙,由质量相等的甲乙两种金属制成的合金(体积不变)它的密度为()A、(ρ甲+ρ乙)/2 B、ρ甲ρ乙 /(ρ甲+ρ乙)C、2ρ甲ρ乙 /(ρ甲+ρ乙)D、ρ甲ρ乙/ 2(ρ甲+ρ乙)
11、下图是1路和2路两辆公共汽车做直线运动时的路程随时间变化的图象,请根据图象判断,在0~4s这段时间内,做匀速直线运动的汽车是 路(选填“l”或“2”),在0~4s这段时间内,两辆汽车的平均速度v1路 v2路。(选填“大于”、“等于”或“小于”)
14、初冬的早晨,常常看到草地上有一层霜,这层霜是由___ _____经过___ ____(物态变化名称)形成的。.寒冬,坐满人的汽车门窗紧闭,水蒸气液化成小水珠附着在玻璃车窗
19、小明在“测小车的平均速度”的实验中,设计了如图所示的实验装置:小车从带刻度(分度值为1 cm)的斜面顶端由静止下滑,图中的圆圈是小车到达A、B、C三处时电子表的显示(数字分别表示“小时:分:秒”)。(1)该实验是根据公式______________进行速度计算的。
(2)实验中为了方便计时,应使斜面的坡度较(选填“大”或“小”)。(3)请根据图中信息回答:sAB=____cm;tBC= s;vAB=_ m/s;vBC=____ m/s。
(4)由实验看出,小车在下滑过程中速度越来越,是在做 运动。(5)实验必须熟练使用电子表,如果让小车过了A点后才开始计时,则会使所测AC段的平均速度vAC偏(选填“大”或“小”)。20、物理学中把物体在单位时间内通过的路程叫速度,速度计算公式为:速度=路程/时间,即v=s/t,单位是m/s。初中还有很多这样定义的物理量,如密度、压强、功率、热值等,这种定义物理量的方法叫做比值定义法。我们在高中物理当中也有很多这样定义的物理量,如:把物体在单位时间内速度的变化量叫加速度(注:速度的变化量用△表示,它等于前后两次速度之差;加速度用字母a表示,国际单2位是m/s)。由加速度的定义可知:
(2)若一个物体开始运动的速度为2m/s,经过5s后它的速度变为8m/s,则这个物体 在5s内的速度变化量为△v= m/s。
(3)若问题(2)中的物体做匀变速直线运动(单位时间内速度的变化量相等),求出物体的加速度大小为a= m/s2。
(4)图像中的BC段表示该物质的 过程,这个过程温度保持不变,但还是要不断。
① 在水杯中装入适量水,将口香糖瓶放入水杯中使其竖直漂浮,用刻度尺测出________________为h1。② 将水杯中水倒出后,再装入适量果汁,将口香糖瓶_____________________________________________为h2.。
(2)以已知的数据和所做的曲线图,预测一个身高为160cm学生的质量最接近于 kg,并在曲线图上注出。
4、C 解析:超声波是发声物体振动时,频率大于20 000 Hz的声音,所以我们人类是听不到超声波的。超声波加湿器主要就是利用超声波来进行工作的,利用超声波将普通的水打碎,成为直径为几微米的小水珠,变成雾扩散到空中去,这样来增大空气湿度,由此我们可以看出加湿器就是利用超声波传递能量来将水打碎。超声波和我们听到的声音一样,也是一种声波,所以它的传播一样需要介质,真空不能传播声音。
二、填空题 11、1 小于
12、甲 乙
15、多(各)绿 紫外线 16、17、13:1
18、小 上升
三、实验,探究题19、20、21、(1)50 晶体(2)冰 铁(3)固 30(4)熔化 吸热22、23、四、简答题
2.请把A卷选择题答案按顺序填涂到机读卡上;请把B卷答案按序号填写到答题卷上, 否则不得分。
English Examination for Junior Two Written part A卷(共65 分) choice.(20 scores) usually spend two and a half hours practicing English every and half hours
hour and a half
hours and half
hours and a half
sports center is situated in the beautiful mountain of
located locating five-star hotel is about 40 minutes by car to get to the international minutes’ in a car
minute in car
40-minute drive
40 minutes drive last he arrives at the school on time, although it rains heavily the end
the first
little child is ill, so her mother is looking after her the care of
an eye on
out of
invites many friends to his birthday party, including ______________. and I
and Maria
and me
and Maria
can’t see our teacher asks me to stand in front of Bill, because Bill is even _______ than
taller are _____ students in the playground but only three _____ are , hundreds
of, hundreds
of, hundred
of, hundred ________ a fantastic movie, because it really touches my heart and I want to watch it be
’t be
be 10.– What do you think _______ your mother, Tony? – She is very nice and friendly, although sometimes she is so strict ______ my , at
, about
C./, about
, with , pictures of the food on Meituan look _______ ,but eating too much delivery food(外卖)is bad _______ your health..;for
always share _____________with my parents when I am back home from interesting thing
interesting things doesn’t always finish her homework because she is very lazy.__________________. do I
do I
do me
do me
man with ________________moustache and ____short hair is Sam’s black long;a
long black;/
black;a textile shop usually ______ at 9 in the _____ 12 hours every open;opens
open;is open
;is open supermarket often offers the free _______ grapes ______ the tasting, most of the customers will buy some of ;for
;for CDFLS, we ________begin our English lesson with topics to practice our spoken
should wear her _______ clothes to the her office, there are so many machines which can help her finish work _______.;smart
;smart ;smartly
;smartly 19.----Thanks for helping me with my English every afternoon.----____________.I’m so glad to help you because you are my best same to ’s all ’s my ----____________________________?
----The girl has got short black hair, and she is does his new girlfriend look like?
does his new girlfrie nd look?
girl is his new girlfriend?
’s his new girlfriend like? test.(15 scores)
Many people go to school for an education.__21__ learn languages, history, geography, physics, chemistry and maths.____22___ go to school to learn a skill so that they can make a education is very important and___23____.Yet no one can learn everything from teacher, no matter how much he __24__, can not teach his students everything they ___25___ to teacher's job is to show his students how to read and how to much more is to be learned outside school ___26____ the students is always more important to know how to study by ___27___ than to remember some facts or formula(公式).It is __28__ quite easy to learn a certain fact in history or a formula in mathematics.___29___ it is very difficult to use a formula in __30__ out a maths scientists, such as Einstein, Newton and Galileo, don't learn many things from they are all so __31__ that they invent so many things for __32__ for their success is that they know how to read ___33___that are not taught at work ___34___ all their lives, wasting not a single will ___35___ many questions as they read and they do thousands of
comprehension.(30 scores)
A Dear Sir,I live in a beautiful city called visitors come to my are so many colorful peacocks peacocks mostly live on the grass land of Dongfeng are given food freely by usually throw food to them, and don’t think about at all whether the food is right or of the peacocks become ill, and some even die after eating the bad food given by the ’m sure most of the visitors who throw food to the peacocks really like the birds, but don’t know that they may be doing something bad to visitors should be told that what have done is very bad to the birds, and this kind of thing must be stopped from we can build some small shops beside Dongfeng Square to sell peacock us every person, it’s our duty to give more love to these beautiful birds and to look after them faithfully,Sun Yan visitors come to the writer’s city to __________. some shopping
beautiful peacocks
in Dongfeng square
nice food
peacocks become ill and die because some visitors ______;
’t give them any food
them too much food
them some bad food
them and played with them shops can be built beside Dongfeng Square so that they may _____________. visitors the food for peacocks
the visitors the food for themselves
the square more beautiful
after the beautiful birds the passage we know people should __________. and play with the birds
the birds from eating too much
right food to the birds
more food to the birds
can guess the writer of the letter, Sun Yan , may be a _____.
B There will be a kind of new cars in the will like this kind of small cars better than the big car is as small as a it can carry two people in can drive it easily, just like riding a children and old people can drive them to schools or everyone drives such cars in the future, there will be less pollution in the will be more space for all the cars in cities, and there will also be more space for people to walk in the little cars of the future will cost less money to buy and to little cars can go only 65 kilometers an hour, so driving will be cars of the future will be fine for going around the city, but they will not be useful for a long kind of cars can save a lot of will go 450 kilometers, then they have to stop for more are nice cars, aren’t they? can probably read this passage in _________. advertisement
sports magazine kind of new cars will be ______ than the cars we use expensive
you drive this kind of new cars for four hours, you can probably go ____at kilometers
kilometers do these little cars have to stop after going 450 kilometers?
more more have a get more of the following is NOT true?
big cars can make the air more little cars can make more space for other cars and little cars will be useful for a long kind of new cars can save much There are some easy things you can do to protect(保护)the environment and the ideas from the list or come up with a few of your own.●Plant flowers grass or trees.●Whenever you visit a park or beach, take away what you bring there----keep rubbish in a bag until
you can put it in a dustbin.●Turn off the lights, TV sets when you leave the saves a lot of electricity.●Turn off the tap when you brush your can save some water by not letting it , use a glass cup instead of a paper cup because this saves paper.●Keep the doors and windows closed in winter to keep warm air in.●Give your old books and magazines to a library instead of throwing them away.●Give your old clothes to poor children you know instead of throwing them away.●Use both sides of paper.●Stop pouring dirty water into the rivers or the lakes nearby.●Encourage all your friends to do the same things you do to help protect the don’t have to wait until Earth Day to do these every day Earth everyone makes a contribution(贡献)to protecting the environment, the world will become much more the above, we know that this is ____________. sign
proposal(提议) writer tells us _____________. throw rubbish into a dustbin pour dirty water into the river save water by letting it run while we are brushing our teeth we can’t do all these things until Earth Day can ___________to save a paper cup
both sides of paper
old books to a library
up waste paper at school of the following is WRONG according to the writer? off the lights when you leave the the doors in a paper cup when you brush your your old clothes to the poor main idea of this passage is how to _________. money
water and electricity better use of old things
the earth
in the blanks with the right forms of the words given.(15 scores)● The weather of Beijing is so terrible in the winter because of the doesn’t want to go out and chooses _____1___(stay)at home.● When one of ____2____(popular)singers goes to the door of the music hall, all the____3____(report)take out their cameras to take photos.● I often take a shower after finishing _____4____(do)some exercise.● The students are so ___5____(excite)to hear that they win the game.● Look!The cute cat in our school ___6___(eat)her food happily under the tree.● We can buy newspapers, pens and writing papers at the ____7____.(newsagent)● More and more ____8____(electricity)equipment are used in our life to make our life easier.● Father is writing a letter to one friend of ___9__(he).They haven’t seen each other for a long time.● Because of his detailed ___10____(describe)of the missing girl, the police found her fast.● At last, he became a rich businessman and set up his own company____11___.(success)● He feels bad the whole taking some medicine and drinking a lot of hot water, he is getting much ____12____(well)now.● The hotel is more expensive than the other hotels, because it has got some ___13___(usual)facilities.● We send two ___14____(bunch)of flowers to the teachers to express our best wishes.● It is ___15____(possible)for you to get a high score without working shift.(10 scores)’s unusual for Chinese teenagers to live separately even when they study in the university.= It’s unusual for Chinese teenagers to live _________ even when they study in the are a lot of beautiful flowers and trees on both sides of the river.= There are a lot of beautiful flowers and trees ________ ________ ________ of the handsome boy gets involved in the singing competition called The Rap of China.=The handsome boy _______ _______ _______ the singing competition called The Rap of of the college students often have three meals in the dining hall.= ________ _______ ________ college students often have three meals in the dining not buy a new flat to live with your family if you can earn a lot of money?
= _______ _______ _______ buy a new flat to live with your family if you can earn a lot of money? actor and singer never would like to live in a comfortable bedroom, ________ _________?(Tag question)Ask questions according to the underlined younger brother writes to me to share his feeling with me twice a have to meet their colleagues at the department store near the subway old lady likes gardening because she wants her own garden filled with lovely have got two pairs of tights in our the proper sentence to complete the dialogue.(5 scores)A: Good morning!Can I help you? B: Well, I’d like some they have much juice? A: Certainly._____26_____So they are very : That’s great!I like juicy oranges very : OK._____27_____ B: I’d like five, : ____28_____ B: Four pounds : Four pounds seventy-five? ____29______ How about four pounds? B: Sorry, I can’t._____30______ A: OK!Here’s five : Thanks, and here’s your you for your : orange is juicy enough for you to make a cup of heavy are they? much are these oranges in total? ’s expensive! can’t buy such good oranges at the same price anywhere many oranges would you like? ’s possible for you to make a cup of orange juice with every two correction.(5 scores)答题要求: 此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。对标有题号的每一行作出判断;如无错误,在该行右边横线上画一个(√);如有错误,则请按下例情况改正: 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其右边横线处写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线(﹨)划掉,在该行右边横线写出该词,并用斜线划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线(__),并在该行右边横线写出修改后的词。
Nowadays big cities may be wonderful
Places to are many nice things to
31._________ see and to there are serious problems
32._________ in big cost of living is year many people move to the cities
Because of more chances(机会)to find job
33._________ or good sometimes some people can', having too many people in a small place makes it hard to keep the cities safe and
enjoy staying in big cities, but
others don’ really are a lot of problems,so you should think about it carefully before
35._________ mov ing in the blanks with the proper words according to the text we have learned.(25 scores)In Look Ahead,I, we meet a star c____36____, Richard Gere and Cindy is a film star popular with f___37____ a____38_____.Cindy is an actress and TV p_____39_____.They live in their own f____40____ in House, a hostel for i___41____ students, is ten minutes on foot from the ’s in central f____42____ here look very are twenty single bedrooms in t___43____ and a small number of d___44___ more information, please c___45____ the International Institute is located in Brighton with e___46_____ sports is also a p____47____ of social activities, including parties and can go on a t___48____ to the t___49___ or sporting e___50____ in Brighton or is a b___51____ who has her own doesn’t like Mondays because she has to go to work again after the w__52____.On weekdays, she has a regular and b___53___ daily gets up early at 6:00 in the a quick breakfast, she is c___54____ dressed to work, like never drives to work because the t___55____ is too she a___56____at the office, she keeps working until she has lunch in the c___57____.A normal working day e___58___ at 5: takes part in some after-work activities, for example, sometimes she goes to c___59____, when famous singers come to the feels free, especially on stays in bed until 9: then her family members including her parents come and have a big Sunday lunch t___60____!“What a day!” She 10 from the 12 words in the box to complete the passage with their proper word can be used only once.(10 scores)choose
Play on
difference Do you want to be healthier? Then go ___61___ the passage, and you may find it’s easy to keep , eat all kinds of foods, especially fruits and may have a favourite kind of food, but the best ___62
is to eat as many kinds as you eat ___ 63
foods, you’re more likely to get the nutrients(营养)your body new foods that you ____64
tried foods, such as green vegetables, are very five servings(份)of fruits and three , drink water and milk you are really___65___, cold water is the need calcium(钙)to grow strong, and milk is a great source of this mineral(矿物质).How much do children ___66____? About three glasses of milk every , limit screen ’s screen time? It’s the ___67____ for watching TV, DVDs, and videos, ___68___ computer games, and using the you spend much time ___69____ these activities, you may have less time left to take____70____, such as playing basketball, bicycling, and the passage and fill the blanks with only one word.(5 scores)Swimming is a very popular game in the people like swimming in summer, and in the other three seasons think water makes them feel cool and swimming makes them keep sometimes it’s also not safe if you don’t know how to keep safe when you swim in a wrong place, it may not be lot of people die(死)when they are enjoying themselves in the water, and most of them are some people are not careful in often think they can swim very well, so nothing will happen to them in you go swimming in summer, remembering the following rules will be very ’t get into water when you are by there is a “No swimming” sign, don’t get into you remember these, swimming will be safe and : Swimming is a popular game, but it’s also not safe popular game Many people like swimming all year round because they feel cool in water and they can stay ____71____ A ___72__ game[ Reasons 1)Someone ___73__ in a wrong )Someon e thinks they can swim well ___74___, and nothing will happen to 1)You can’t get into water when there is nobody with )You can’t get into water when you ___75___ a “No swimming ” (10 scores)
Recently, some American primary schools cancel(取消)giving the pupils homework to do after research(研究)shows that doing homework in the primary school doesn’t make them get high scores, but it brings them much more pressure.(压力)
What about the homework in Chinese middle schools? Should you do homework in the middle schools? Please write a passage with 80-120 words about your own passage should include the following points:
you have to do homework in the middle school?
does your English homework usually include?
kind of homework do you think is necessary for you to do?
do you think of the homework?
are your suggestions for the teachers when they set the homework?(At least two suggestions)
A 卷
6-10 CBDAB
11-15 ACBBD
16-20 CCDDD 完型21-25 BABBD
26-30 DDBCB
31-35 CBCDB 阅读36-40 BCACD
41-45 CCABC
46-50 DABCD B卷
in the blanks with the proper forms of the words given in the brackets.(15 scores) stay
most popular
shift.(10 scores)/ themselves either side/ on each side part in majority of don’t you he
often does your younger brother write to you to share his feeling with you? do they have to meet their colleagues? does the old lady like gardening? many pairs of tights have you / we got in your/our wardrobe? the proper sentence to complete the dialogue.(5 scores)26-30 GFCDE correction.(5 scores) in
in the blanks with the proper words according to the text we have learned.(25 scores)
/ cafe
10 words out of 12 given in the chart and fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the words given.(10 scores)
the passage and fill the blanks with only one word.(5 scores)
(10 scores)作文评分建议:
you have to do homework in the middle school?(1分)
does your English homework usually include?(2分)
kind of homework do you think is necessary for you to do?(1分)
do you think of the homework?(2分)
are your suggestions for the teachers when they set the homework?(At least two suggestions)(2分)
书写 1分
to the sentences carefully and choose the correct sentence will be read only once.(2*10) day is January 22nd?(B)’s ’s a ’s in ’s January can we buy some medicine?(D) the baker’s the florist’s the newsagent’s the chemist’s you very much.(B)’s all ’t mention ’s you, kind of TV programme do you like best?(C) like Math like Sandy like soaps like horse-riding does the man look like?(A)’s ’s a ’s very ’s 35 years is your birthday?(D) was born in ’s on January do you do?(B) do my ’m a ’m playing the can speak often do you go home?(C) a me, can I have the menu, please?(D), you ’s all , you can’, you want to come here to do a course?(A) think , , I’d to the ten short dialogues and choose the correct dialogue will be read twice.(2*10): Is that your sister?
M: No, she’s my looks like a 20-year-old she is having her thirtieth birthday : How old is my aunt?(B) years old years old years old years : Sir, can I help you?
M: Yes, I’d like some noodles, : What kind of noodles would you like?
M: A small bowl of beef noodles, : : What kind of noodles does the man want?(B) big bowl of tomato small bowl of beef noodles C a small bowl of tomato noodles big bowl of beef noodles : How are you going to school this Sunday evening, Tom?
M: I’m not sure, a taxi will cost me a lot of : walking will take you too , You can ride to ’s good : How can Tom go to school?(A) foot taxi car : Do you know these three boys in the picture?
M: Yes, the thin boy is tall boy is Steven and the short boy is : What does Steven look like?(C)’s ’s ’s ’s : What language can you speak, Alan?
M: English and a little about you, Jenny?
W: English and like Japanese very much and I can speak much : How well can Jenny speak Japanese?(B) little well so can’t speak : Let’s go to the supermarket, : No, let’s go to the ’m a little bit : Why not buy some bread at the baker’s?
W: All : What will they do next?(D) dinner in the at some food in the some bread at the baker’: I’d like to come on a course in much is it?
W: A three-week course is 1200 : Oh, that’s very : But this includes accommodation, all meals and social : How much do you spend on the course each week?(A) pounds pounds pounds : Sweden is pretty cold in don’t have many hours of : sun rises late at about 9 in the morning, and sets at about 3 in the : How many hours of daylight are there in Winter in Sweden?(C) hours hours hours hours : My new home is : Oh, really?
W: There are two the ground floor, there is a sitting room and a large the first floor, there are two bedrooms and a big : That sounds : How many rooms are there in the woman’s house?(B) : My nephew is thirteen years old is your nephew, sir?
M: Oh, he is two years older than : How old is the man’s nephew?(D) years old years old years old years old to two conversations and choose the correct answers to the conversation will be read twice.(2*10)Conversation 1 W: Hi, you like films? M: really : OK!Let’s go to the cinema Hai Cinema is the : I don’t like seats there are : You’re about WAN DA theater? M: It’s the biggest one but the most ticket is more than eighty in Long Hu Cinema, it’s only : Then let’s go there, OK? M: favorite film is Star begins at 20 to are 20 minutes must run to the : Don’t can take a ’s very 1 cinema do they go to at last?(C) Hai Cinema Da Theater Hu Cinema Li Theater don’t they go to Wan Da Theater?(D)’s the biggest cinema around seats are not ’s very far from ticket’s price is very much is a ticket in Long Hu Cinema?(B) time is it now?(A):20 :40 :00 :20 will they go to the cinema?(A) taxi train bus foot Conversation 2 M: Hi, are you?
W: Oh, hi, are you doing here? Are you shopping for yourself?
M: No, I’m ’m looking for a present for is her 14th I’m not having much : Let’s find something nice : ideas? W: How about a bag?
M: Good likes lovely do you think of this blue one? W: It’s nice, but it’s 200 think it’s a little bit : I guess you are : What about these jeans?
M: She doesn’t like wearing : Wait!Here!This dress is very , and it’s only the half-price of the you like this one?
M: It’s is her favorite it’s in , I’ll take this 2 old is Yuki now?(B) doesn’t Jerry buy the bag?(B) it is not it is a little bit it is not in it is not does Jerry buy for Yuki?(C)
hat much does Jerry spend on the present?(D) yuan yuan yuan yuan is true about Yuki?(A) likes green doesn’t like often wears usually wears a to a passage and judge the statements true or it’s true, choose A;if it’s false, choose will be read twice.(2*5)Mickey Mouse is Walt Disney’s most famous cartoon became popular all over the world in is the star of the first cartoon with 1928, on a train from New York to Los Angeles, Walt and Mrs Disney came back from a wanted to tell something interesting to Mrs thinking for a short time, he thought of a very lovely mouse in named him “Mortimer”.When the train arrived at the last station, Mrs Disney thought the name “Mortimer” was not good and named the mouse a star was Mouse was famous for 90 years.(A) Mouse was the star of the first cartoon with colour.(B) train was from Los Angeles to New York.(B) Mouse was a very lovely mouse in red.(A) called the mouse “Mickey” at first.(B) to two passages and choose the correct answers to the will be read twice.(2*10)Passage 1 Dear Tim, Thanks very much for your I’m sorry I can’t go to your birthday party at the weekend because I have a lot of work to Saturday morning I have to wash my own clothes at Saturday afternoon, I’m going to my cousin’s house or he comes to are going to watch a basketball game together in the Sunday morning, I will go to People’s Park with my are a lot of old people can sing and dance for ’s really good in the afternoon I have to go to an education centre to have Math is very difficult for me and there is always a Math test on Sunday my weekend’s you come over to my house next Sunday? I have got some new ’m sure you’ll like can watch them , Michael Passage 1 passage is probably a(an)___________.(B) does Michael do on Sunday morning?(C) homew ork his cousin’s to People’s Park some washing does Michael do on Saturday evening?(C) to education centre a Math test a basketball match cartoons does Michael want Tim to come to his house?(A) Sunday Saturday Sunday Saturday does Michael want Tim to do?(D) wants Tim to go to his birthday wants Tim to watch basketball match with wants Tim to sing and dance for old wants Tim to watch cartoons with 2 When I am in Chengdu, I see many teahouses in the is a saying: China has the best teahouse in the world and Chengdu has the best teahouse in service in Chengdu teahouses is really you go into a teahouse, the waiters or waitresses will greet you with smiles on their faces and with teapots and cups in their who go to a teahouse are not really pay 20 yuan to go to a te ahouse and sit there all day long to talk with each days, more and more people go to the teahouse for business teahouses also have special shows, such as story-telling and Sichuan 2 is Chengdu famous for according to the passage?(B) life is the service in Chengdu teahouses?(D) so will the waiters or waitresses do when you go into a teahouse?(A) will greet you with smile on their will put the teapots and cups on the will give you a menu of the will give you special shows at do people in Chengdu like to go to teahouses these days?(C) are like drinking want to have business want to watch the special kind of special show can people enjoy in the teahouses?(B) Opera Opera tea to a passage and fill each blank with one word passage will be read twice.(2*5)Family more important than gifts At Christmas, many people like gifts to their family and also on other holidays, like New Year’s do people really enjoy doing this? According to a recent survey in America, most of them would not like to give a , they say that they would like to more time with family and friends and not worry about gifts.
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