
时间:2024-07-08 16:20:00 综合范文







  Suzhou, the ancient said there is a wu, wu, will collection, Wu Zhou, Wu Jun, at pingkiang, sui suzhou, delay said today. Suzhou ever since the dawn of recorded history of more than 4000 years, is one of the first batch of 24 historical and cultural city. Long history, gave birth to the unique charm to celebrities.of. For one thousand years, suzhou humanities ceremony. In ancient times produced by sun wu, fan zhongyan, shen kua, such as tang Yin, gu yanwu, KuaiXiang statesmen, thinkers, strategists, scientists, artists; Contemporary fields have emerged a large number of outstanding figures. Suzhou genre of painting, calligraphy, seal cutting, each has his strong point; Drama, medicine, building its own genre, of its own. Suzhou embroidery, the yellow house world-famous woodcut New Year pictures and other arts and crafts. Suzhou city was built in 514 BC, more than 2500 years ago. Is located in the position of the spring and autumn period, the basic maintained a "surface parallel, river street adjacent" double chessboard pattern of "three vertical and three horizontal and one ring" river water system and "small bridge flowing water, white wall tiles, historic gardens" unique style. More than existing municipal cultural relics protection unit 487 in the city, including national 15, 101 at the provincial level. Well-preserved classical garden more than 60. In accordance with the ancient city of suzhou is located in the water, street built around the river, surface parallel; Construction by the water, before the lane back river, forming unique style and features of "small bridge, flowing water, somebody else". Set of buildings, landscapes, flowers and trees, carvings, calligraphy and painting is equal to the integration of the suzhou gardens, is the spirit treasure of human civilization, the humble administrator's garden and lingering garden in China's four big gardens, and with the nets garden, surging wave pavilion, lion grove and the mountain villa with embracing, art field, coupling, the scientific garden 9 classical garden, such as, respectively, in December 97 and November 20xx by UNESCO "world heritage", ancient town of tongli town, zhouzhuang, Lu straight are reporting on world cultural heritage. Under the spring breeze of reform and opening-up, the ancient suzhou is coruscate gives new vitality, established the "science and education encouraging city, outgoing driving, sustainable development" strategy, formed the export-oriented economy, the two advantages of township enterprises, cultivating the new economic growth point is given priority to with high and new technology, talent, industry, environment, etc. The new advantages have weakened. Suzhou is becoming a new and high technology industries as the leading of the modern manufacturing base, technology innovation in the joint, all kinds of talent aggregation of industry base, high technology content, high extroverted degree and good economic benefit modern agriculture base, it is a combination of human landscape and natural landscape, ecological tourism vacation base with beautiful surroundings, suzhou in the 21st century will be "economic prosperity, science and education developed, rich life, a beautiful environment, civilization" the basic modernization of region. Suzhou is located in the middle of the Yangtze river delta, south of jiangsu province. Shanghai in the east, zhejiang in the south, wuxi, a city surrounded by the north in accordance with the Yangtze river. The city's total area of 8488 square kilometers, jurisdiction, blue waves at pingkiang, gold Chang, huqiu, wuzhong, phase town, suzhou industrial park, suzhou new district, etc. 8 area and changshu, zhangjiagang, taicang, kunshan, wujiang five county-level cities, a total population of 5.78 million people. In rivers and lakes is numerous, the grand canal linking the north and south, hope YuHe, LouJiang, TaiPuHe connection, taihu lake, yangcheng lake and commercialisation of bearing, Mosaic dianshan lake. Here four seasons, mild climate, abundant rainfall, fertile land, rich products. Agricultural products have produced rice, cotton, rapeseed, XiangJing meters, duck blood waxy and taicang white garlic; Specialty orange, loquat, BanSu, plum, osmanthus, camellia, "biluochun" tea; Taihu whitebait, water shield, pearls and yangcheng lake hairy crabs famous. Suzhou is the birthplace of celebrities.of, literary production staff. Is known as the suzhou pingtan, kunqu opera, Su Ju culture "three flowers". More than 400 years history of kunqu opera, is the "mother of the Chinese opera; Pingtan is in suzhou dialect rap art, is in jiangsu, zhejiang and Shanghai has more than 300 years. Suzhou arts and crafts of the famous Chinese and foreign, with hunan, sichuan, cantonese embroidery embroidery is known as the "four famous embroidery" in our country; Lookup woodcut New Year pictures from green wood along with tianjin, he "south north Yang peach"; Suzhou k 'o-ssu, sculpture, {sung} brocade, jade and redwood carving crafts, each has his strong point, wonderful artical excelling nature. Suzhou city in 20xx of $154.1 billion in gross national product (GNP), basic construction in modern manufacturing base of high and new technology industry as the leading factor; Closely joint production, study and research, technical innovation base of all kinds of talents gathered, High technology content, high extroverted degree and good economic benefit in modern agriculture base; It is a combination of human landscape and natural landscape, ecological tourism vacation base with beautiful surroundings, suzhou in the 21st century will be "economic prosperity, science and education developed, rich life, a beautiful environment, civilization" the modernization of the region.





  The garden was built in Ming jiajing period, the original is Ming jiajing years taibusiqi QingXu Thai east garden. Rockery garden was stacked stone famous Zhou Bingzhong (minister). With the humble administrator's garden, the Summer Palace in Beijing, chengde summer resort and called China's four big gardens, on the world heritage list by UNESCO in 1997. Now dominated covers an area of about 50 acres, in general can be divided into four scenic area, east, west, north. During which are connected by song gallery. Circuitous, a series of more than 700 meters, leading to a secluded spot, xiuse view. In the middle is the base of original cold blue hill. Wide monarch pool, west, north hill. East, south for construction. Rockery is given priority to with soil, fold in Yellowstone, imposing manner is thick. On the hill grow lush ancient, show those mountains SenYu atmosphere. The mountain water jian between winding, as if the source of the water. The garden in the park building decorate exquisite, stone and famous. With suzhou humble administrator's garden, the Summer Palace in Beijing, chengde summer resort and said China's four big gardens. In 1961, the lingering garden published by the state council of the People's Republic of China as one of the first batch of national key cultural relics protection units. In 1997, including the garden, suzhou classical gardens is listed as world cultural heritage. In the garden to pool as the center, pool rockery in north kiosk, cheng trees. Pool rockery osmanthus fragrance smell on the porch, is overlooking the dominated scenery best place, and has a long corridor and everywhere is same. Building the park is divided into several parts, each building is equipped with a variety of door window, can communicate each scenery, make people indoors for outdoor scene, can be made up of landscape plants, all kinds of pictures take in everything in a glance, greatly broaden the field of vision space. Lingering dominated is divided into four parts, in a garden can enjoy the scenery, rural, mountain forest, garden four different scenery: central to waterscape, essence is dominated; East to qu yuan's corridors construction, the east of the garden of the famous beautiful sunny rain quickly snow hall, nymphs jain airport.lt pavilion, also I DouShuChu, haeundae, crown crown cloud building a dozen such as diet, porch, has three stone mountain, in the pool after center name stone crown yunfeng, on both sides to red cloud, glaze cloud two peaks; North of the countryside, and a new monarch miniascape garden; West side is dominated the top, there are open to rockery, and the collection of piled up naturally. ChiNaHan with bright blue mountain room floor is the garden of the main building. Leave the park landscape architecture and represent the means indifferent calm "small taoyuan (small penglai)" and far cui pavilion pavilion, quxi buildings, wind pool, etc.



  你们好!欢迎来到苏州园林参观。我是你们的导游,姓潘,就叫我小潘或潘导好了。下面就让我带你们去参观吧! 苏州园林以山水秀丽,典雅而闻名天下,有“江南园林甲天下,苏州园林甲江南“的美称。那里既有湖光山色,烟波浩淼的气势,又有江南水乡小桥流水的诗韵。

  此刻我们来到了拙政园。拙政园是我国四大古典名园之一。它位于苏州娄门内,是苏州最大的一处园林,也是苏州园林的代表作。你们看,拙政园建筑布局是不是疏落相宜、构思巧妙,风格清新秀雅、朴素自然它的布局主题以水为中心,池水面积约占总面积的五分之一,各种亭台轩榭多临水而筑。主要建筑有远香堂、雪香云蔚亭、待霜亭、留听阁、十八曼陀罗花馆、三十六鸳鸯馆等。下面你们拍拍照吧,细心点,不要掉到水里或乱扔垃圾了! 参观了拙政园,此刻你们跟我来到了沧浪亭。沧浪亭是苏州最古老的一所园林。沧浪亭园内以山石为主景。瞧,迎面一座土山,沧浪石亭便坐落其上。假山东南部的明道堂是园林的主建筑,此外还有五百名贤祠、看山楼、翠玲珑馆、仰止亭和御碑亭等建筑与之衬映。造园艺术与众不一样,未进园门便设一池绿水绕于园外。山下凿有水池,山水之间以一条曲折的复廊相连,多美丽啊! 下面你们看到的是狮子林。是苏州四大名园之一。因园内石峰林立,多状似狮子,故名“狮子林”。林内的湖石假山多且精美,建筑分布错落有致,主要建筑有燕誉堂、见山楼、飞瀑亭、问梅阁等。狮子林主题明确,景深丰富,个性分明,假山洞壑匠心独具,一草一木别有风韵。

































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